An Email Copywriter’s Look at the Email Feedback Loop

Understanding how email feedback loops work will help email copywriters and email marketers present better content

An email feedback loop exists between email marketers and the recipients. And since email copywriters often assist email marketers, it’s important for email copywriters to understand how email feedback loops work.

To begin, let’s take a look at how an email feedback loop works. The process begins as the email copywriter and email marketer create an email newsletter or some form of promotional piece. The email is sent to their list and a recipient opens it. If the user is unhappy with the email and considers it to be spam, she can then hit the “report spam” button. By doing so, a complaint is passed to the ISP. If the email sender is signed up to receive feedback, the ISP will then report the complaints.


The reporting of complaints is valuable to email marketers. With it, they can remove subscribers who complain, which will help them keep their domain or IP complaint rate low. Having a low complaint rate aids in positive email deliverability.

Furthermore, knowing the type of campaigns that draw complaints can help email copywriters target content better. If a specific email marketing campaign used an unaligned email subject line, or the campaign’s content wasn’t useful, they will know to target their email copywriting differently in the future.


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