Benefits of the Mequoda Content Marketing System

How can the Mequoda Content Marketing System transform your legacy special-interest magazine, newsletter or newspaper into a highly profitable, multi-platform media empire?

We’ve studied thousands of successful and not-so-successful online publishers to determine the best business practices to create the Mequoda Content Marketing System. All of the successful online publishers we’ve studied have one thing in common: a content management system for achieving success that includes a number of key behaviors that are repeated over and over to become organizational habits.

The Mequoda Content Marketing System can be used to launch a new website, or to manage, maintain and improve an existing website. Every Mequoda Content Marketing System has four distinguishing characteristics that may require you to master additional skills.

  • Content-Driven — You will publish new content in your website and an email newsletter on a regular frequency. We recommend daily for most online publishers
  • Google-Friendly — Your content will be organized, tagged and easy for customers as well as Google to find and index.
  • Subscriber-Centric — You will build a permission-based email or RSS subscriber list and publish at least one free email newsletter or RSS feed.
  • Multi-Platform — You will use the 3 R’s: reuse, recycle and repurpose content through a minimum of 3 media platforms, with at least one premium product. Offer information in many different formats to save on material costs, maximize customer satisfaction, and increase revenue. For the majority of online publishers, premium information products are the principal generator of revenue.


The Wall Street Journal has transitioned from a legacy print publisher to an online publisher with much success. WSJ has diversified to become a multi-platform media empire and a Mequoda Content Marketing System best practice example. The Mequoda Content Marketing System gives you the power to succeed and, possibly, dominate any niche you choose to target.


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