Content Marketing with Link Reviews

Ways to generate more buzz and traffic for your website

Have you ever thought about the value behind link reviews? Some publishers miss out on utilizing link reviews because they are too concerned with the other aspects of their jobs.

To start, let’s define what a link review is. A link review is a short review of an article or news story from some external source. The review should give relevant information, a link to the original article for further reading, and personal insight on the topic discussed in the article.

Even if you and your staff have full workloads, link reviews can fit easily into your day.

For instance, at the Mequoda Daily we publish a link review everyday. Doing so has helped in the following ways:

-Link reviews have added more pages of content to our website.

-They have helped increase traffic to our website.

-They serve as great fodder for social media marketing, especially Twitter.

-Link reviews help to establish your credibility in the furthest reaches of your niche topic.

It’s true; good link reviews can really achieve of all these positives for your online business.


How to write a link review

To begin writing link reviews, start by adding them to your editorial calendar. Once you make the initial step into the world of link reviews, you should make sure to keep a consistent schedule.

After penciling them into your editorial calendar, use blogs and relevant news sources to find content that is valuable to your audience.

After finding an article you’d like to create a review on, put your copywriting hat on. The title of your link reviews is probably the most important part. The headline must attract viewers and persuade them to read the review. If you are using Twitter, try to tempt the audience even further by adding as much info into the tweet as you can that will create engagement.

After your title is finalized, create the actual content of the link review. You can do so by quoting parts of the original article and by incorporating the key talking points. Towards the end of the link review you should voice your opinions on the subject matter and link back to the original article.

Often times link reviews are specifically used to attract traffic through social media, which is why the titles are so important. If the title of a link review isn’t interesting, chances are the link review won’t succeed in gaining traffic.

One great thing about link reviews is that they are inherently short. They are meant to discuss a topic, give some insight and link to a location where more content surrounding the topic can be found. Therefore, a link review can be a minimum of 150 words and still prove to be successful.

Or, if you are creating link reviews that are search engine optimized, you should make sure that they are at least 300 words in length and have a keyword density of 4-5%.

Link Reviews and Content Marketing

When I create link reviews, I always include a text ad for one of our freemiums at the end of the post. If your link review’s headline draws in new viewers, they will be exposed to the freemium’s text ad. This improves your chances or growing your email marketing list by getting new conversions.

In this circumstance, your content is helping build your lists.

There are a variety of ways content marketing can be used to grow traffic, gain brand recognition and build your email marketing lists. Join Don and Kim for our Content Marketing 2010 Seminars to learn the most up-to-date strategies for content marketing.


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