Rebecca Miskin Shares Hearst Innovation Stories



In recent coverage of the Digital Media Europe conference, you can almost picture publishing personnel gathering at the feet of Rebecca Miskin like acolytes on a grassy hill in ancient Greece, hungry for wisdom and guidance. reports that Miskin, the digital strategy director at Hearst overseas, was in London this week to discuss the successful adaptations of three of her brands. Above all, she stressed knowing who and where your reader is, building a “passionate and curious” staff, and encouraging an experimental approach.


But she also got specific, according to, zeroing in on Esquire, Digital Spy, and Runner’s World:

  • About Esquire, where a popular tablet app and fashion supplement helped double digital subscribers and quadruple digital revenue, Miskin said, “We got a picture of the reader and then had to reimagine what that meant beyond the magazine.”
  • The mobile version of Digital Spy had a disastrous rollout, but saw a strong recovery in both audience and revenue due to “being able to correct course.”
  • Runner’s World went in a different direction with its RunHub mobile app, ditching additional editorial for “customizable training plans, route mapping, challenges, progress pages and community features to build a social element into the app, so like-minded individuals could enjoy their hobby together.”

To read more about Rebecca Miskin’s appearance at the Digital Media Europe conference, visit


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