The Online Publishing Email Strategy

Do you want to maximize your customer lifetime value?

Successful publishers generate online revenue by selling either advertising/sponsorships or physical information products— books, magazines, newsletters, live events, DVDs, CDs, etc. Many sell both.

For many successful online publishers, the majority of their page views occur with their email. Email newsletters drive page views for both product-driven websites and ad-driven websites.

Many online publishers use email circulation as a primary metric for measuring their success. We’ve seen revenue per email subscriber vary from $10 per year for B2C publishers to as high as $80 per year. The goal of a publisher’s email marketing program should be to increase customer lifetime value.


While the frequency varies deeply between online publishers (we recommend sending an email daily) the techniques for creating effective email newsletters remain the same. Here are 10 tips for creating profitable email newsletters:

Email Newsletter Tip #1. Writing Effective and Promising Subject Lines – If it doesn’t capture their attention immediately, they will delete the email and forget it forever.

Email Newsletter Tip #2. Captivating Readers with a Compelling Story – A great email promotion is a sales letter that begins with a story that heightens desire for the product and prompts a purchase decision.

Email Newsletter Tip #3. Content Webification to Maintain Interest  – The most efficient use of all the multimedia and interactive technology available.

Email Newsletter Tip #4. Increasing Credibility with User Testimonials  – Buyers love having their purchase decisions validated.

Email Newsletter Tip #5. Creating Strategic Order Flow Links – Your objective should be to make them as easy as possible to understand and use.

Email Newsletter Tip #6. Applying User-Centric Labeling and Language – Make the language and labeling in your email friendly and familiar.

Email Newsletter Tip #7. Improving Readability and Content Density – If your email is interesting and easy to read, your prospects are far more likely to continue reading, respond to your sales message and perhaps even forward it.

Email Newsletter Tip #8. Providing Urgency – You must provide a strong incentive for them to buy right now.

Email Newsletter Tip #9. Designing Aesthetically Pleasing Emails – Know your target market and create an appearance that conforms to your visitors’ expectations.

Email Newsletter Tip #10. Offering Multiple and Convenient Order Options – The best way to determine what works is to test, test and test again.


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