Master SEO content writing, the best email marketing strategies, and a long-tail social media formula every publisher should be using

In digital publishing, the most meticulously planned, beautifully designed website in the world, the most staggeringly awesome content, are all utterly useless if you don’t have an audience to enjoy them – and to buy your premium products.
Of course, building an audience is easy if you have unlimited resources. Throw money at Google, and presto! You have an audience.
Luckily, for the smaller niche publishers who rely more on their shrewdness and industry savvy than on vast corporate wallets, there’s a better way. And because Mequoda has spent years studying, testing, and documenting SEO, social media, conversion techniques, and email marketing, we share everything our team has learned in this updated handbook, Organic Audience Development Strategy: How to Convert Website Visitors into a Profitable Email Subscriber Base.
This updated handbook – and remember, it’s absolutely FREE so we can get the information into as many publishers’ hands as possible – is more tightly focused than ever on leveraging content that’s optimized for search using the latest Google parameters, and then promoting that content in social media.
When you master our complete audience development strategy, you’ll be able to drive visitors to your publishing website in droves and efficiently turn those visitors into a loyal, enthusiastic, engaged audience whose email addresses are nestled snugly in your audience database – all without paying a penny to Google.
Whether you’re a multiplatform publishing CEO, managing editor, or audience development manager – or aspire to become one – our updated handbook covers both the big picture and the tactical advice you need to replicate the renowned, proven Mequoda Method in your own operation. In short, this is advice you can take to the bank!
The audience development secrets in this handbook will help you …
- Correctly allocate your resources to the various audience development channels
- Control the three metrics that ultimately decide the size of your business and profits
- Turn your website into an audience development bonanza that consistently feeds your email file
- Create the most important page on your website
- Optimize your entire site to get your pages ranked at the top of Google search results – using the Best Practices we’ve only just established based on the most recent Google algorithms
- Master the art of efficient, effective social media marketing
- Ensure that your emails are always delivered, opened, and clicked
This handbook is designed to serve as a complete guide and blueprint for your audience development program, from understanding the basics to the smallest details that can make or break your efforts.
So if you want to make more money with less wasted effort … if you can’t afford to overlook some profitable marketing channels … if the lines on your graphs are stuck in plateau mode (or worse, are trailing downward) … we urge you to download this absolutely essential handbook on audience development strategies right now.