Level Up Your Facebook Fanpage with ShortStack

Before you read the rest of this post you need to visit Mequoda’s Facebook Fanpage, if you liked our page, thanks! We hope you enjoy that free white paper. If you’re already a fan of Mequoda’s page you can download the white paper by clicking on the Welcome tab on our Facebook page.

We’ve recently installed a “fan gate” or “like gate” application on that Facebook Fan page you just visited. A fan gate is used to entice people to like your page. Some companies just ask people to like their page, but we like to take it up a notch. What’s the incentive to “like”? What do your fans get out of this relationship? On Mequoda’s fan page we’re offering a free white paper, 10 Ways Publishers Make Money on Facebook to all our fans. We think it will do well and we’ll follow up with a report on it’s effectiveness in the future.Free Facebook White Paper


So how did we install our fan gate? We used an online service called ShortStack. ShortStack takes the hassle out of creating interactive Facebook pages. They have pre-made templates for fan-gates, contests, quizzes, video, and much more. All that was needed on our part was to create a few images and compile the report. Their menus are easy to use and understand.

Compared to similar services, ShortStack is very competitively priced.

ShortStack can help you create contact forms, sweepstakes pages, contest pages, product galleries, countdowns, polls, and custom HTML and Flash Integration if you need it.

If you’re ready to get serious about your company’s Facebook fan page you need to kick it up a notch and add value and interactive content. ShortStack can help you do both those things. We were pretty impressed with its ease of use and the fact that we didn’t pay a dime for our new Welcome page. There’s a little ShortStack logo on the bottom of the page, but we’re OK with that for now.

Have you used ShortStack or a service like it? Let me know in the comments.


    Thanks for the great mention of ShortStack, we’re glad you found the platform easy to use!


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