Social Media Strategy: Connecting with the Next Generation, Gen C

What is Gen C and how does it fit within your social media strategy?

Generation C the Connected Collective

Yes, there is a new generation that we must recognize – Gen C. This group represents social natives, teens and 20-somethings that needs to share their lives through social media.

The C has many meanings: connected, content, communicate, change, chameleons, collaboration.  The gist of it all is, they represent a “connected collective” like we’ve never seen before.

A few things you should know about Gen C

More personal relationships. Technology allows them to remain connected to those they may otherwise have lost touch with. Their network of personal relationship, with whom they are in daily contact with, continues to increase. Which means their circle of influence widens.

Connected 24/7. They are online more than they are offline. They use the Internet for personal and business, for politics and entertainment, for shopping and communicating.

Constant content consumption. They want “new” news, therefore, they access large amounts of fresh information from which they select the content they wish to consume and share.

Social networking. Their consumption patterns are influenced by peer reviews and viral marketing, not traditional marketing.

Tribe behavior. They form identities and express themselves within a tribe sharing common interests-cultural objects, causes, movements and ideas.


Tips For Creating Content For Generation C:

  • Keep content fresh, relevant, useful and entertaining.
  • Enhance their social status within tribes – allow them to express their opinions, ideas and observations to gain credibility within their tribe.
  • Have a fun social interface by getting involved in the conversations that are happening within and across tribes.
  • Connect Gen C members with each other, not just your brand. Create conversations by talking to the community, not the individual.
  • Enable Gen C to actively participate, play and collaborate with your brand story.

As online and offline worlds continue to merge, social media becomes a much more powerful influence. It is crucial for your business to connect with the next generation – Gen C.

How does your social media strategy appeal to Generation C?  Share your thoughts below…


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