Do Audience Members Easily Find Content Within Your Website?

How a single plug-in can help your audience development activities

The audience that develops around your content does so one main reason: they find alignment with the information you provide.

Of course, there is more that goes into this. Audience members want high-quality content. They want it delivered frequently and they want it easily accessible. They want to interact with it on the platform they prefer, and the medium that fits their content consumption habits.

How many times have you visited company websites that were disappointing? You reached the destination due to some interesting content, only to be confused or misguided. This isn’t uncommon, and digital publishers must address the way their content is presented.


For WordPress operators, one way to do this is by installing the Google Custom Search plug-in. This search bar powered by Google, allows visitors to search your site based on Google’s index. This plug-in helps your audience find the most relevant results faster, and the auto-completion makes it even faster.

Take a look at this tool now if you have interest in making your WordPress site more efficient.

And for a detailed list of WordPress plug-ins for a comprehensive digital publishing website, contact Kim Mateus via email or by phone at 401-293-0401 to learn about our custom plug-ins.


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