Updates Relevant in the Digital Magazine Publishing Market

New information on tablet usage and satisfaction can help lead to success in the digital magazine publishing market

Tablet owners are happy with their devices, regardless of the brand. This insight comes from a recent survey from TabLens, which reports the overall device satisfaction at 8.6 out of 10.

Interestingly enough, the satisfaction of the iPad reached 8.8, while the satisfaction of the Kindle Fire hit 8.7. Although the iPad has the largest chunk of the market, it seems that Kindle Fire users are nearly as satisfied as iPad users. Perhaps if these statistics get in front of potential tablet customers, there may be a more attention paid to the Kindle Fire, which is priced lower than the iPad.


Another detail shared by TabLens’ survey discusses the demographics of tablet owners. The Kindle Fire is reportedly own by more females while the iPad and Android Tablet is owned by more males. The 25-34 age group has the highest tablet ownership percentage, with the 35-44 age group following closely behind. The 45+ age group collectively owners more tablets than they do smartphones, which is a statistic unique to this demographic.

One final update comes in terms of advertising on tablets. According to Lars Albright, 88 percent of tablet users ignore in-app ads and 79 percent refer to them as intrusive.

There is a great need for tablet advertising with more value, especially since 24 percent of tablet users are engaging with ads.

Digital publishers need to focus on relevance when they create ads for tablet users. There needs to be constant alignment with the app’s content, or the user’s attention and interest may be lost.

Do you have any recent tablet publishing or digital magazine publishing tips to share? Please add them in the comments below.


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