Are You Considering Expansion in 2012?

Do you want your business to grow? Do you feel the market can allow for this to happen?

Before venturing into new territories, publishers need to have a game plan. For instance, if an online publisher wants to create physical products, they need to understand their market and competition. Similarly, legacy publishers need to have a thorough grasp of the realities that exist in the digital publishing environment to have success.

If you are considering expanding to an area of business you aren’t familiar with, a business plan is crucial to understanding your potential for success.


Jumpstarting legacy businesses with a strong digital foundation should be the first area to address in 2012. As the Internet grows and becomes more social, this universal medium becomes increasingly valuable.

Our business plan development services help you identify key assumptions in your market and provide you with potential email, search, direct and referring traffic numbers for the next five years. Operational costs, building costs and possible revenue are also determined.

For more information on our business plan and online strategy model services, contact Kim Mateus via email or by phone at 401-293-0401.


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