Are You Sharing Good Content?

These 5 tips will help you decide

Creating content isn’t the hardest thing to do. It is much harder however, to create good content.

One comment I hear from writers often, is that creating content can be frustrating since the art form is so subjective. A piece can have a lot of connection to the writer, yet it may not appeal to anyone else.

I obviously love to have my articles read, but it isn’t the only thing on my mind. I like to promote for all of our content, regardless of whether or not I created it. I also love to see our special reports climb their way into high page rankings on Google.

For all of the writers, content marketers and email marketers out there, I can offer some advice. These tips will help give you a better understanding as to whether you’re producing good content that people are interested in or not.

Comments – When I write an article that includes a lot of my personal opinions, I will specifically ask for comments from my readers. It’s a great way of learning about your audience, gaining their insight on the issue, and seeing what they think of the piece in itself.

SEO Focus – We have said many times that SEO is very important in regards to organic search. However, incorporating SEO keywords should be done after you write your article. Attempting to optimize your articles during your first draft will likely make your content suffer.


Specialized Information – The topics you cover in your articles should be specialized to your expertise and should not run a gamut covering everything. Make your articles personable, but have them educate your audience in some way. There are too many blogs on the Internet that are self-serving; don’t fall into that trap.

Knowing Your Audience – This may be one of the most importance components when it comes to building real, lasting relationships with your readers. If you can become the source of information or insight people turn to at all hours of the day, then you are likely communicating with your audience correctly. This type of connection will likely lead others to share their experiences. It may lead to a larger following for you and the content you produce.

Reading and Writing – As mentioned above, creating content is an art form. The majority of writers aren’t natural wordsmiths; it takes time and effort for most to reach a point of great content creation. To help along the way, be sure to read and write as much as you can. You will evolve into a more comfortable writer and the fluidity of putting words on paper (or a computer screen) will become easier.

Additionally, reading the work of others may give you new ideas to write about and will help develop your vocabulary. Beyond consistent schooling, reading allows you to understand different writing styles and voices people use. Finally, reading the content produced by others in your niche will give you the opportunity to comment and show your expertise.

These five tips will help you create better content for your audience. For additional ways of creating content, reaching your audience and expanding your reader base, join us in the Boston area from September 15-17th for our Mequoda Summit.


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