Data Monetization a Major Theme for 2014

Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 11.43.09 AMThe UK’s Association of Online Publishers has released the results for its annual census, and the survey of more than 700 digital publishers reveals just how big big data will be this year.

InPublishing reports that 89% of those digital publishers plan to increase their data technology investment in 2014, including 58% saying they will hire analytics staff, a 30% jump from 2013. In addition, 57% anticipate partnerships in data management in 2014, more than in mobile or apps.


“Data has been talked about in terms of its importance for a long time, but we are now seeing real focus dedicated to driving the collection, analysis, and interpretation as it permeates every aspect of the digital business from content creation, to marketing and revenue generation,” AOP’s Tim Cain told InPublishing. “We can expect to see growing sophistication in its usage going forward.”

Also of note is digital publishers’ feelings on video: 64% say they will accelerate their efforts in this department.

To read more about about the AOP’s census, visit InPublishing.



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