Revenue Generating Tactics and Tips

What do advertisers want that you can provide?

Having a website that generates a significant amount of website traffic is ideal, however it’s not always at the top of priorities for online advertisers. Niche publishers who have smaller audiences may still be highly sought for advertising purposes if they have a devout audience.

What advertisers really want is a prime piece of real estate on your website. They want their to be noticed easily and often, and want the competition to be nowhere in site.


Offering online sponsorships is ideal for these exclusive relationships and presents both parties with valuable options: the publisher receives a solid revenue generating opportunity and the advertiser gets an exclusive package that features branding in multiple areas.

Such sponsorships can include editorial channel exclusivity, inviting multiple branding opportunities throughout the catalogue of content. Email newsletters, social media messaging and live events can also be areas of sponsorship included in the package.

For six detailed strategies on revenue generation tips, join us on the Mequoda Summit West 2012 where our Revenue Generation Master Class will take place on Wednesday, April 11th.


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