The Digital News Audience is Growing

Digital is expected to grow, while print is not

Although this probably isn’t news to you, there are now some statistics on how the digital news audience is growing.

Online publishers and content marketers can now utilize results from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, which was released in “The Digital News Audience: 24/7 Participation” report.

According to the report, 36 percent of those surveyed get their news from a combination of traditional and digital platforms. Of those who participated in the study, 9 percent said they only get their news from digital platforms, while 39 used only traditional platforms.

This study was based on the news platforms used the previous day by those surveyed.

Lisa E. Phillips, a senior analyst for eMarketer, expects to see the number of digital newspaper readers to continue to grow as more digital devices enter the market. She also believes the number of print newspaper readers will drop, or remain at its current level.

What are your thoughts on the growth of digital news platforms? Where do you get your news normally? I’d love to get your thoughts.

And for more of these statistics on news consumption, take a look at some of the report’s findings in this article from eMarketer.



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