Email Newsletter Best Practice Guidelines from Mequoda Group

Learn email newsletter best practices to enhance your editorial management strategy

(Nationwide)—Having an email subscriber list is imperative to the success of online publishers and Internet marketers. Due to this fact, the Mequoda Group has compiled a list of recommended general best practices for establishing and executing an effective email correspondence strategy.

To begin, research and define the needs of your online audience. It’s necessary to elaborate on your assumptions and determine what the audience is doing online. This affords the ability to then cater email newsletter content to them.

Next, alignment between the goals of the publishing business and goals of the email newsletter need to be recognized. It should be possible to clearly justify and defend the business purpose behind each email newsletter.

After alignment is found, an integration between the email sign-up and website registration should be achieved for efficiency purposes. This will allow for a different user experience depending on whether or not the user is known or unknown by the system. Known users will appreciate the ability to access the site quickly and effortlessly.
The best websites use content management systems that mirror the email subscriber base. This means the website will not ask if a user wants to sign up for the email newsletter if they are already a known, subscribed user.

These three steps are the beginning pieces to a successful email newsletter.

To learn a dozen additional email newsletter best practices and editorial management guidelines for online publishers and Internet marketers, start with Mequoda Group’s free Editorial Management Guidelines for Online Publishers.

Receive a free digital copy of Editorial Management Guidelines for Online Publishers now.

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