A Tool to Test Website Performance

Did you know that if your page loads too slowly, you could be deterring some search engine robots from crawling your website?

For users, speed is everything. Broadband users expect websites to pop open and 56k users do not have all day to wait for pages to load. Their patience expires quickly, and if a site loads too slowly, users will take their business elsewhere.

Apparently, the search engine crawlers feel the same way. According to SEO expert John Alexander, if your page loads too slowly, you could be deterring some search engine robots from crawling your website.

For publishers, optimizing website load time can help ensure that users, and search engine spiders, will return to their sites again and again.


Bloated images, disorganized caches, and inefficient text compression all compound to slow websites down. Luckily, OptiView Technologies is here to help.

Testing a site’s performance is free at www.optiview.com. Their QuickScan tool locates bloated graphics on a website and reports by what percentage they can be reduced and how many seconds that can shave off loading time.

For publishers looking for a quick and cheap way to satisfy their customers’ need for speed, OptiView offers an excellent service. Other tools they offer go beyond website efficiency and help publishers improve network performance and reliability, boost ecommerce revenue, and increase bandwidth.


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