Subscription Website Publishing

Introducing: The NEW Mequoda Pro

If you’ve ever contemplated attending one of our Subscription Website Publishing Intensives, but the time – and budget – just haven’t been right, I have a new way for you to learn the proven, profitable Mequoda Method right now.

Introducing, the new Mequoda Pro. If you’re a member, you can log in right now. If you’re

The Mequoda Method basics are at your fingertips … right now

If you’ve ever contemplated attending one of our Subscription Website Publishing Intensives, but the time – and budget – just haven’t been right, I have a new way for you to learn the proven, profitable Mequoda Method right now.

Introducing, the new Mequoda Pro. If you’re a member, you can log in right now. If you’re not, keep reading.

In just 3 hours, and without stepping foot out of your office, you can get the basics of all the secrets we teach at the Intensive, review anything you want, any time you want, and share every secret with your team.

You can do it all by subscribing to Mequoda Pro, the perfect introduction to the Mequoda Method. This new on-demand video course is online, convenient and cost-effective. It will cost you just $497, and you’ll also get a $500 Professional Courtesy Voucher towards our next Intensive!

That’s right: I’m willing to give away Mequoda secrets in order to help you help yourself. Website publishing isn’t getting easier as the competition heats up and technology keeps changing. With Pro, you don’t have to wait to start learning the method that has created so many online publishing millionaires.

I’m making it as easy as possible to make your decision about Mequoda Pro. Here are some more reasons to subscribe:

  • More than 65 hours of webinars from our archives
  • Hundreds of dollars’ worth of special reports and downloadable tools
  • Dozens of secrets that we’ve spent years mastering and teaching to others
  • A RISK-FREE 90-day trial, so you get your entire subscription cost refunded if Mequoda Pro doesn’t meet your every expectation

You have no reason to overlook Mequoda Pro, and every reason to subscribe. In just a few minutes from now you could be learning the secrets that have created new publishing millionaires!

Who else has the Mequoda Method helped?

As I said, the Mequoda Method is proven to transform a struggling publishing operation into a powerhouse. Consider these publishers who have already learned the method and put it to work every day to help grow their businesses, and their profits:

  • Black Belt Magazine
  • Business and Legal Resources
  • Mother Earth News
  • Investing Daily
  • Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School
  • Farm Progress
  • Taunton Press
  • The Motley Fool
  • The American Ceramic Society
  • Men’s Health
  • Vida y Salud
  • Mr. Food
  • Biblical Archaeology Society

Unless you’re content to wrestle with your challenges alone … unless you enjoy leaving money on the table … unless you prefer to remain a 20th century publisher … you really must try Mequoda Pro.

The Mequoda Method works for so many different publishers because it’s an efficient, organized and documented approach to the complex world of online publishing. It includes best practices for everything from selling advertising to keyword research to building websites to audience development. You’ll learn our secrets for modeling a successful business and even for raising capital.

Transform your publishing business into an online empire by learning the proven Mequoda Method right now. Subscribe to Mequoda Pro and get started immediately!

Bonus: You’ll get a $500 Professional Courtesy Voucher for the cost of Pro that’s applicable to our next live Intensive.


It’s a complete, step-by-step method for publishing success. Nothing is overlooked, and you can learn the basics in just three hours. Here’s what you’ll discover from Mequoda Pro when you subscribe:

The ABCs of Digital Publishing: The 3 Secret Ingredients to Growing Online Profits (15:08)

The secret: 3 surprising keys to making millions in multiplatform publishing

Discover the three basic elements you should be leveraging to maximize your profits. 

Leveraging Media Trends: Monetizing the Future (25:01)

The secret: 1 simple way to diagnose the health of your website

Learn how to measure digital success with a little thing we call the Online Media Index, learn from others’ successes and mistakes, and begin to see your own profitable path forward.

Selling Digital Content: Profit from Magazines, Books, Videos & other Premium Products (16:22)

The secret: 5 proven business models that leverage all platforms for maximum profit

Find out exactly what drives revenues for a variety of business models from The Motley Fool to HR Daily Advisor and Knitting Daily, and begin to see how you can translate these strategies to make millions of your own.

Selling Digital Advertising: 5 Strategies Publishers Are Using to Make Millions Online (10:50)

The secret: 4 profitable ad strategies – and 1 blockbuster

Get specific strategies, from to Forbes to Media Bistro, that have proved especially profitable for different business models – and some of them will be perfect for you.

SEO Keyword Research: Step by Step (10:22)

The secret: 7 steps to bring thousands of qualified leads to your website organically

Learn the elusive tricks of the Google Keyword Planner, and discover how to truly serve and build your audience, become a leader in your niche and generate more conversions through effective keyword research.

Building Media Websites: Portals, Magazines & Stores (25:63)

The secret: 9 proven templates to choose from for your publishing website

Get our complete, proven website strategy and take away steps for radically improving website usability and reducing time to market.

Attracting Website Visitors: 5 Ways to Build your Online Audience & Email Circulation (11:38)

The secret: 5 sources that will drive all your website traffic

Learn how to drive traffic and leverage your website’s architecture to capture email addresses and build relationships, and get proven strategies for building your email subscriber file and cultivating your social media presence.

Social Media Marketing: Using Content to Drive Website Traffic, Sales & Profits (8:29)

The secret: 8 steps for turning 1 article into a social media bonanza

Discover how a social media campaign that repurposes long-form magazine articles into short-form blog and social media posts can build a massive audience and generate new sales.

Integrated Campaign Management: Master the New Marketing Channels for Big Profits (7:52)

The secret: 5 steps for giving away your content to make millions

Enjoy a real-world case study in which a small niche publisher used the Mequoda SEO Campaign Method to make millions of dollars from a single piece of free content, and get a complete campaign blueprint you can use to sell premium product in multitudes – starting immediately!

Digital Magazine Marketing: Creating Awesome Digital Magazine Marketing Campaigns (13:18)

The secret: 4 decisions you must make correctly to succeed in the digital age

Learn how to craft digital subscription offers, price your products, deploy killer copywriting and leverage all of those things across multiple platforms, so you can master this new, uncharted publishing platform.

Understanding Google Analytics: Measuring What Matters (9:20)

The secret: 12 metrics out of hundreds that determine your website’s profitability

Find out how to use Google Analytics as a way to monitor the performance and success of your web and email activity, ecommerce systems, and SEO and link-building efforts, allowing you to maximize return from every business decision you make.

Conducting a Multi-Platform Audit: The Ultimate Publishing Scorecard (6:53)

The secret: 4 numbers that show where your opportunities lie

Get the ultimate audience reporting tool and use it to identify high-performing and underperforming areas and make bulletproof resource allocation decisions.

Modeling the Future: Using Key Metrics to Create a Simple 5-Year Financial Forecast (4:11)

The secret: 1 financial model and 3 key metrics you control to ensure success

Get a simple, comprehensive way to predict the future of your digital publishing business, and take away a master business model spreadsheet, including revenues, expenses and profits, which you can use to build a complete and profitable digital publishing business.

Business Plan Development: Making the Case for your Digital Marketing System (12:32)

The secret: A proven business plan and the 7 elements that define it

This module delivers a time-tested business plan that you can use to rally the troops, gain executive support, and when necessary, raise capital for your digital publishing business.

This is the perfect preview to an Intensive! And remember, you can apply the cost of Pro to our next live event, where you’ll dig even deeper, meet our experts and network with other smart publishers who are about to transform their businesses!

Of course, this is no substitute for an Intensive. But it will help you begin to understand the Mequoda Method, get your brain wrapped around our concepts, and allow you to review strategies and secrets again after you attend an Intensive – any time you want!

This program is update every year, too, so it reflects the latest trends, strategies, technology and best practices.

Enjoy the instant gratification of watching Pro right now, and make plans to get the in-depth, live version soon when you apply the cost of Pro to your Intensive registration! I promise you’ll enjoy many “ah-ha!” moments watching Pro, and even more when you join us for an Intensive.

Take the first step to million-dollar revenues and subscribe to Mequoda Pro and get started immediately!


By Don Nicholas

Founder & Executive Publisher

Don Nicholas serves as Executive Publisher for Food Gardening Network and GreenPrints. He is responsible for all creative, technical, and financial aspects of these multiplatform brands. As senior member of the editorial team, he provides structural guidance, sets standards, and coordinates activities with the technology and business teams. Don is an active gardener whose favorite crops include tomatoes, basil, blueberries, and corn. He and his wife Gail live and work in southern Massachusetts surrounded by forests, family farms, cranberry bogs, and nearby beaches. Don is also the Founder of Mequoda Systems, LLC, which operates and supports numerous online communities including I Like Crochet, I Like Knitting, and We Like Sewing.

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