The upsell landing page asks for the add-on sale

Sell more products, at higher prices and great profit margins, with dedicated upsell landing pages

“Would you like fries with that?” is a simple, familiar hamburger stand upsell. The online version is a little more complicated, and requires a well-crafted, dedicated upsell landing page.

An upsell landing page is a conversion landing page. Like the sales letter landing page, the objective of the upsell landing page is to get the user to take the next step. It is designed to move the user along an order flow where an additional sale can be made.

The upsell landing page offers the user an additional product or service after a previous transaction is complete. Often, upsell landing pages are “thank you” pages that confirm a user’s order for one product while simultaneously making a limited-time or reduced-price offer for a second product.

When properly executed, upsell landing pages can be highly effective, delivering conversion rates as high as 20 to 30 percent, depending on the offer.


Online upsells are everywhere

Because upsell landing pages are served up to the user only after she makes an initial purchase, we can’t link to good examples from this document. But here is how they generally work.

Driven by PPC advertising, or very efficient Search Engine Optimization, the user arrives at a rapid conversion landing page on the site. She signs up to receive a free downloadable report, entering her email address in the process, and clicking a button.

She is then taken to the upsell landing page, where the message is two-fold. First, it thanks the user for requesting the free report and confirms that she will receive an email with further download directions in “five to 10 minutes.” In all probability, the email confirmation and download instructions will arrive much sooner, but we don’t want her to click away to her email client just yet.

Instead, the message requests she pass the next few moments reading about a similar product that might interest her.

Alternatively, if the customer has actually purchased a paid product, the next page in the order flow should be an upsell landing page for an additional product.

Designing a good upsell landing page involves creatively linking your products. Nobody does this more frequently (albeit subtly) than shopping. Buy a single book, and Amazon will suggest another. (“Readers who bought Tom Sawyer also bought Huckleberry Finn.”)

One effective way to generate an additional sale is to offer the user a product similar to the one just purchased at higher price point. If the user buys that product, she should be served up yet another upsell landing page for a product at yet a higher price.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

The key is to have that next product offer additional value that the user is looking for. The closer the products are related, the more likely the user will be interested in the second, third and fourth product.


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