A Brief Guide to Surveying Your Audience

Tips and tools for getting advice from people who mean the most to your brand

Surveys and polls can be very telling. These direct comments from your audience can tell what they like and what they don’t like, while offering tips on creating better experiences.

When conducting surveys, remember to keep your research objectives in mind. This will help keep your questions focused on the end result.

The scope of your survey should dictate how you ask the questions. For instance, if you are expecting thousands of respondents, and you don’t have a lot of time or resources to dedicate to interpreting the data, providing close-ended questions may be the easiest method. However, using open-ended questions can lead to valuable qualitative answers.


For WordPress users wanting to host surveys on their website, here are a few plug-in options.

PollMe allows you to easily create as many polls as you like. The results can be displayed as pie charts, bar graphs, or in a spreadsheet.

SurveyMe is similar to PollMe when it comes to ease of use; neither plug-in requires extensive coding knowledge. This plug-in offers easy to modify survey forms.

WP Survey and Quiz Tool lets operators design quizzes in addition to surveys and polls.

Have you ever conducted a survey for your organization? What types of questions did you ask? Were the results you received helpful?


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