Turning Searchers into Buyers

Are your landing pages converting enough users? Check out these benchmarks and find out

The most important website metric is conversion rate.

All of the other website metrics—like unique visitor count, click through rate and open rate—are to analyze how well users are being led to conversion. Conversion is the ultimate goal.

A conversion can be defined as a user signing up for a newsletter, paying for a product, viewing an advertisement or completing any beneficial task urged by your website.


Copywriting legend Bob Bly told an audience at SIPA’s 31st annual conference in Washington D.C. that publishers’ landing pages should have a conversion rate of

  • 1% to 3 % in General Retail Markets
  • 10% to 20+% in Targeted Niche Markets

What conversion rate are your landing pages getting?

Take a look at your landing pages and consider some adjustments if your rates are below these benchmarks.

Also, your landing pages may have high conversion rates, but if there is not enough traffic being driven to them then you’re not converting enough users.

Landing pages have to be designed correctly to convert users and be picked up by vital sources of online traffic, like search engines.

You could have the greatest website in your industry, but no one will know it if you are not designing your landing pages correctly.


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