SEO Campaign Management


What is SEO Campaign Management?



Optimizing content for search engines has become an everyday practice for online publishers and content marketers.

SEO campaign management helps websites target their audiences with valuable content instead of obtrusive advertisements.

The strategy of SEO campaign management, when executed properly, helps increase visibility, email conversions and overall revenue through an array of activities.



[question]How do you develop a tag cloud?  Is there a program that you use to create it?



Unfortunately, there is not a program to create a tag cloud, yet.  First, we look at our keyword universe and our search volumes. Then, we just type the words with a bigger font that had a bigger search volume. It’s really to show visually how our audience is typing tons of words but some of them are lot more popular than others. And those are the ones we’ll want to target.

Here is how we get that list of keywords. We started by talking to our experts, our editors, asking them what they thought people would be searching for in Google and by doing that we ended up with a list of 100 to 200 keywords. And then we went onto our competitors’ sites and looked at what they had, what topics they were targeting. If you look in someone’s source code and not everyone does that but the bigger sites will have a list of keywords that they’re targeting and a description of the content that they’re offering and usually those lists of keywords and those descriptions include high search volume keywords because people have done the research already.

Another suggestion to find popular keywords is on the front end, if you look at a competitor’s website categories. Those are likely to be categories that they’ve identified as what people were looking for when looking for content similar to yours.

Basically, you’re building a GVR; you want to know what your keywords are, but this is where you start. And these are other tools that you can use to get keyword ideas; a free site that you can use to compare website traffic between your site and competitors’ sites and will show you traffic for the US only. But it’s a great resource, when you enter your site and a competitors’ site, it will give you a list of the top search terms that are leading traffic to those sites and–and those search terms are likely to be what people type in Google the most.

Finally, we also use Google analytics. Google analytics is going to tell us which keywords are already bringing traffic to our site and which keywords are already successful for us. So that it’s another resource to get more keyword ideas and make sure that you have those keywords in your GVR and your tag cloud.


[question]How do you determine your primary key clusters?[/question]


We take a look at annual search volume but we also take a look at the competition.  Ultimately, we look at the annual searches combined with the KCI to determine which terms we’re going to make into those primary key clusters. They should be keywords that cover the contents of our entire site.

Also for each of those primary key clusters we’re showing the annual impressions; those impressions are based on the ranking that we have for each of the keywords under that PKC.  If you’re on page one, you get 100-percent of the searches or impressions which means that you’re visible for all of the searches that are being made. If you’re on page two, you get 32-percent; if you’re on page three you get 7-percent, so that’s how we determine the impression. So that’s the formula that’s in the document.



How many keywords should be used in a rapid conversion landing page or RCLP?



You do want to be really careful to not over-use any particular keywords because Google can in essence punish you for keyword stuffing. So you want to be careful to stick within that two to four-percent density range.

At first, this makes some traditional editors cringe but really a rapid conversion landing page is written to be appealing to the audience and it’s also written to be appealing to Google. So you want to make sure that it has the keywords that you’re targeting without being you know overly obnoxious.



How and where do you promote your freemiums?



There are several different opportunities for promoting a freemium but first make sure that all of your blogs are tagged appropriately with all of the keywords used in the rapid conversion landing page.  And then the freemium can be promoted in those individual blogs.

Third party sites are a great way to promote your freemiums and you’ll find that you have friends where you didn’t even know you had friends. People start seeing these offers that you’re putting out there and they want to let their audience know about them. All of the sudden you’re creating some inbound links through third-party sites.

Web ads are another way to promote your freemium. You can cross promote within your company or partner with a similar company.  Search for partnerships that you can enter into and email to their newsletter list, it’s a great traffic resource.

You should have a mega-list and that is an email list that consists of all of your email addresses throughout your entire company and once a month create an email that goes out that promotes all of your new freemiums that went out that month.  This gives you the opportunity then to promote them to everyone across all of your communities, across all events attendees, across all store buyers, magazine subscribers, etc. Those emails tend to also go viral and you may see tweets about the offer and Facebook postings about that as well.   It not only drives a lot of traffic to your site but you’ll also rein in a whole new audience that haven’t seen you before, so it’s all very effective.



Do you assign each keyword to a single product?



No, it’s a keyword cluster and with each keyword cluster the goal is to create a free downloadable product that aligns to that cluster. You build clusters around the more general keywords.  Being specific and targeted is always helpful but depending on your market, you can still identify opportunities to offer a general topic based free report also.





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