What an Email Marketing List Subscriber is Worth

This free report from Mequoda Group a valuable metric for email marketing, methods for building an email marketing list and ways to increase website traffic.

(Nationwide)—Knowing what an email marketing list subscriber is worth is important to the health of any online business. There is a single ratio many email marketers use to figure out the amount of money that can be made from each subscriber while engaging in email marketing.

This ratio is one that will be used often as the size of an email marketing list changes. Ideally, each time this ratio is used the total revenue per subscriber will increase. That’s a hope all online publishers and email marketers have. If you adhere to the Mequoda best practices for online publishing and Internet marketing, then the chances of increasing revenue will be very possible. We have seen results where revenue per subscriber for clients doubled, and even triple, within 12 months.

The revenue per subscriber is determined by taking the total email revenue and dividing it by the average number of email subscribers on an email marketing list.

Ways to potentially increase revenue and email marketing list subscribers

Look closely at the email marketing strategy in place. If a calendar is not in place for campaigns, it’s worth the time to take the necessary measures and design one.

Playing with a product mix is another good idea. This step may lead to the creation of new products that can be offered through an email marketing list.

Increasing and decreasing the frequency of mailings depending on the popularity of a product is another good practice to engage in.

Finally, treat email marketing as a quarterly based initiative. Go through the data each quarter, determine the revenue per subscriber and evaluate the email marketing schedule to stay current with trends and statistics.

To learn more about building email marketing lists and increasing website traffic, start with Mequoda Group’s free Increasing Website Traffic & Building Email Marketing Lists eBook.

Receive a free digital copy of the Increasing Website Traffic & Building Email Marketing Lists eBook now.

Mequoda Group constantly strives to help publishers succeed online by providing them with an array of services, including free daily tips, free reports, webinars, live events, consulting services and software services.


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