Week In Review

Mequoda Weekly: May 13, 2013 – May 17, 2013

Catch up on the Mequoda Daily’s blog posts for this past week


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Strategy 10 Content Marketing Mistakes That Get Mequoda Editors Fired

by Don Nicholas on May 13, 2013

To put this post together, we banged together the heads of everyone on the Mequoda team to consolidate some of the mishaps that have occurred with our clients. We’re calling these editors Mequoda editors because they’re running a Mequoda system, but the principles apply to any editor in the magazine world.

There have been some truly talented print editors that were either let go, or left by themselves because they couldn’t weather the print-to-digital transitions. Ones that refused to SEO their content and wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in content that had to be re-optimized later.

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Magazines Digital Magazine Publishing 101: Free Apps Need Some “There” There

by Mary Van Doren on May 14, 2013

As the first wave of digital magazine apps has passed, we’ve discovered one thing: People hate apps with nothing in them.

And yet, the vast majority of digital magazine apps available today are nothing more than a retail outlet for single copies and subscriptions!

They are labeled as free, but have nothing to offer unless a purchase is made within the app. This practice is the reason why so many magazine apps have low ratings, as can be witnessed by reading the reviews.

While I’ve been blogging recently about prices, and opining on the dire need to raise them, at the same time, magazine readers are like many other digital consumers in expecting something free on their tablets. And disappointing them right out of the gate when they first download your app is not exactly a marketing Best Practice.

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Email The True Cost of Email Marketing

by Amanda MacArthur on May 15, 2013

Tiered rate cards can be used for calculating hosting charges, interest rates, credit card fees, the list goes on.

Email pricing for publishers, the rate they’re charged to send emails, looks a bit like how retailers are charged to process credit card payments.

In retail, two popular forms of payment processing rates are the most prevalent today: Interchange Plus and Tiered Pricing.

Retailers like Interchange Plus the best because it’s transparent, with the retailer being charged a percentage per transaction. The tiered pricing model is less transparent, but simplifies pricing by providing bucket rates. Tiered pricing also often includes lots of extra fees that aren’t accounted for in the buckets.

The cost of email marketing typically works on a similar tiered bucketed pricing model, and like retail tiered pricing models, often ends up in hidden fees you weren’t expecting.

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Websites Your Subscription Website is Not a Magazine

by Mary Van Doren on May 16, 2013

As Don likes to say, your magazine is not a website. And your website is not your magazine.

In fact, your subscription website isn’t even a website. It’s actually three websites: A portal, a magazine and a store. And the Mequoda Method, which is utilized by successful niche publishers both large and small, calls for deploying a single piece of copy across all three to maximize your unique visitors, subscribers and buyers.

Some of you may be familiar with our fun, fictitious publishing company that we use for instructional purposes, Green Gardens Network. Let’s take a look at how that single piece of content pops up behind the paywall in the May-June issue of Hidden Gardens magazine, appears as a chapter in a handbook in the Green Gardens Shoppe, and is eventually extracted into a blog post at the portal, Gardens Daily, to promote the magazine.

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If you have only a nominal understanding of digital publishing, or none at all, you must attend the Digital Publishing & Marketing Intensive!


By Amanda MacArthur

Research Director & Managing Editor

Amanda is responsible for all the articles you read on the Mequoda Daily portal and every email newsletter delivered to your inbox from us. She is also our in-house social media expert and would love to chat with you over on @Mequoda. She has worked with Mequoda for almost a decade, helping to evolve the Mequoda Method through research, testing and developing new best practices in digital publishing, editorial strategy, email marketing and audience development. Amanda is a co-author of our four digital publishing handbooks.

Co-authored handbooks:

Contact Amanda:

Contact Amanda via email at amanda (at) mequoda (dot) com, @amaaanda, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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