Digital Magazine Publishing

My Top 12 Articles of 2012

I want to usher in 2013 by sharing some of my top articles from this past year. Each of these articles received a favorable amount of social interaction, so in case you missed them, here are my top 12 articles of 2012.

I want to usher in 2013 by sharing some of my top articles from this past year. Each of these articles received a favorable amount of social interaction, so in case you missed them, here are my top 12 articles of 2012.

Digital Magazine, Book and Video Prices Fall in 2012

In a free market, economics is a predictable science. Over the next few years, consumers will snap up more than 300 million tablet computers. These network devices will link to media cloud servers via wireless connections that will also be paid for by the consumer. The ubiquitous Internet will also continue to flatten the media world, empowering users to shop for digital magazines, books and videos in a global marketplace. Keep reading


How to Monitor your Digital Publishing Strategy

On Sunday afternoon, I found myself leaning back in my favorite easy chair reading on my iPad. As a publishing consultant, this activity has both a professional and leisure time component for me. I won’t bore you with the leisure time part here, but I will share some business observations that might help you improve your use of the iPad publishing platform including iBooks and Newsstand. Keep reading


Who Runs Audience Development for your Organization?

Who runs audience development for your organization? When a website publisher asks me to help them increase website traffic and build a loyal online audience, the first question I ask is, “Who runs audience development for your organization?” I get a wide variety of answers. Keep reading


What is Relationship Marketing and How Can it Help You Increase Sales?

I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 12. As a paperboy for the Sacramento Union, I delivered a morning newspaper to about 75 homes. In the afternoons I went door-to-door in my neighborhood selling subscriptions to my hometown paper. Later, I supplied each of my customers with a recycling box for their newspapers that I picked up once a month and sold to the local mill. Never did I make a nickel when I was asleep. Keep reading


How to Hire an Internet Marketing Company to Help Grow Your Online Business

Internet marketing is easy to do and hard to master.

Internet marketing companies come in all shapes and sizes. If you’re shopping for one, it’s important to find an Internet marketing company that’s a good match for your organization. What makes an Internet marketing company a good match for you? Keep reading


The Nine Most Profitable Subscription Website Business Models

Choosing your site topic is a serious issue, as the topic you choose pretty much dictates your chances of success with a subscription website. However, more serious than the topic of a subscription website is the business model. Not considering the subscription website business model is a major mistake some publishers make. Keep reading


The Perfect Digital Magazine Template for 2013

We have seen the future of magazine publishing and it’s paperless.

It’s not only us publishers who think so.

Today, many consumers have begun predicting the demise of print publications. Pay-for-access online content is gaining newfound acceptance, and eReaders and computer tablets are enjoying soaring popularity. Many of the publishers we work with will generate more than 10 percent of their new subscription sales from digital channels in 2012 and expect those numbers to double in 2013. Keep reading


9 Guidelines for Content Aggregators

Content aggregation is often given a bad name, because it’s often done incorrectly.

The best content aggregators approach the process as the valuable art form that it is. Content aggregators recognize the web is all about content aggregation, and their work allows users to reach new depths on the subject matter they care about. Keep reading


5 Subscription Management Software Requirements

When we decided to turn our webinar program into a subscription product, I was faced with the same choice that every subscription website publisher must make: which subscription management software offers the right mix of features, functionality, and integration for my business. Keep reading


5 Ways to Increase Website Traffic to a Site

Three or four times a year I get to help launch a new website. Given that we use organic sources like search engines, links from referring websites, and social media to drive qualified traffic, getting those first visitors to a new website is an interesting challenge. The tips provided below will help increase website traffic to a new website, or help an existing website increase website traffic, too. Keep reading


Digital Content Marketing Trends for 2013

While many organizations have discovered the power of digital content marketing to sell products and services, perhaps no organizations are being impacted like the publishers of books, magazines, newsletters and videos. Keep reading


13 Best Free Event Listing Websites

In person live events are a preferred medium. When a passionate user is committed to a topic, they want to go to the source; the author, guru expert that really knows the content. They want an interactive presentation. They want to be able to ask questions, see facial expressions, body language. They want to connect with the expert about what they know. Keep reading

I look forward to a great 2013 with all of you from the Mequoda community. I wish you much success during this coming year.

By Don Nicholas

Founder & Executive Publisher

Don Nicholas serves as Executive Publisher for Food Gardening Network and GreenPrints. He is responsible for all creative, technical, and financial aspects of these multiplatform brands. As senior member of the editorial team, he provides structural guidance, sets standards, and coordinates activities with the technology and business teams. Don is an active gardener whose favorite crops include tomatoes, basil, blueberries, and corn. He and his wife Gail live and work in southern Massachusetts surrounded by forests, family farms, cranberry bogs, and nearby beaches. Don is also the Founder of Mequoda Systems, LLC, which operates and supports numerous online communities including I Like Crochet, I Like Knitting, and We Like Sewing.

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