
Become a sponsor with one of Mequoda’s publishing brands and reach highly engaged and enthusiastic consumers, to promote your own brand’s products and services—specialty topics include home, gardening, cooking, and crafting. And opportunities exist for email, web, and even print advertising—check out these sponsorship opportunities:

Food Gardening Network logo
Reach engaged and health-conscious readers who are serious about gardening and cooking—a highly responsive list of enthusiasts! Check out sponsorship opportunities here.


GreenPrints logo
Reach subscribers who are serious about gardening and reading—a highly responsive list of gardeners with a sense of humor. Sponsorship opportunities include space in the print version of the magazine. Check out sponsorship opportunities here.


I Like Crochet site logo
Reach engaged subscribers who are really into crafting and crochet—a highly responsive audience! Check out sponsorship opportunities here.


I Like Knitting site logo
Reach engaged and creative readers who enjoy crafting and do-it-yourself projects, especially knitting—a highly responsive list of enthusiasts! Check out sponsorship opportunities here.


We Like Sewing logo
Reach creative subscribers who love quilting and sewing—a highly responsive list of crafting enthusiasts! Check out sponsorship opportunities here.

If you have products or services that cut across these topics and markets, please contact us for special, bundled sponsorship deals:

Christy Page
Sponsorship & Operations Director