Multiplatform Publishing Strategy

Online Editor & Publisher Job Description 2009

Online Editor & Publisher Job Description 2009 – Setting Measureable Goals for your Online Team

In the more than three years since last we shared our goals and metrics for the Mequoda Daily team, the job description for our Online Editor has changed with the times (and the times have been a changing).

An Outline of our Online Editor & Publisher – How to Set Measurable Goals for your Online Team

In the more than three years since last we shared our goals and metrics for the Mequoda Daily team, the job description for our Online Editor has changed with the times (and the times have been a changing).

Our previous Online Editor, Kim Mateus is now Senior Partner in charge of Mequoda Education Services. Kim is responsible for research and content development for all public Mequoda System training programs including our new self-paced Mequoda Pro online training program and our twice-a-year Mequoda Summit live events.

Kim also works with new and existing clients to help assess their Internet marketing objectives and design training and consulting programs to increase their online revenues and profits. Kim blogs for Mequoda Daily once a week and works with Amanda to manage content development for all Mequoda System books, special reports and online seminars.

Amanda MacArthur, who started as our Creative Director, is now Online Editor & Publisher for the Mequoda Group. Amanda writes many Mequoda Daily blog posts and edits the rest.

Amanda also coordinates the constant day-to-day research that drives the twice-a-year updates to our Mequoda System best practice skills and works with Kim managing content development for all Mequoda System books, special reports and online seminars.

For the upcoming April Summit, the Mequoda System is getting a major update with the addition of four new best practice skills… so Amanda and Kim are very busy right now.

Both Kim and Amanda share the goal of building the Mequoda Daily email subscriber list to 15,000 by year-end 2009 while generating an average of $80 in annualized revenue per subscriber.

Amanda’s job description is the prototype I use when I create a new job description for a client who is hiring an online editor or online editor & publisher.

As we recently updated Amanda’s job description with our 2009 goals and some tactical specifics that I think you’ll find interesting, I thought I’d share it with you so you can compare it with the job description for the person who runs your online publishing business on a day-to-day basis.


Online Editor & Publisher Job Description

Professional Mission: Amanda’s mission is to help periodical, book and online publishers make money on the Internet by teaching them the 12 best practice skills for online publishing and marketing via all viable information product formats and platforms.

Specific Responsibilities: Amanda is responsible for all editorial and marketing content for Mequoda Group online, print and event products. She works with Mequoda Daily Subscribers, Mequoda Pro Members, Mequoda Advisory Board Members and the other members of the Mequoda Research Team to illuminate, update and promote the Mequoda System: 12 Essential Skills for Making Money Online in A Web 2.0 World.

Key Metrics: Amanda’s key metrics are active Mequoda Daily email subscribers and the annualized revenue per active Mequoda Daily email subscriber.

2009 Strategic Objectives

Grow the Mequoda Daily subscriber database to 15,000 by year-end 2009 by providing the highest quality user experience with available resources.

Generate an average of $80 in net revenue for each active Mequoda Daily subscriber via the sale of Mequoda Group information products.

2009 Strategic Goals

1. Content Management: Email and post 260 plus brief articles on Internet marketing and online publishing for Mequoda Daily covering the 12 Mequoda System best-practice skills for making money online while producing and promoting related Mequoda Group information products.

2. Organic Marketing: Initiate and manage all SEO, PR and link-building campaigns for all network content pages. Build and maintain relationships with print editors and industry association staff. Maximize website to email conversion rates using all forms of website conversion architecture.

3. Community Development: Read and coordinate responses to all user posts, email and calls. Participate in related online communities to build links and good will. Manage LinkedIn and Twitter content distribution and dialogue.

4. Online Metrics: Monitor online analytics and reporting systems to maximize overall Mequoda System performance including our Key Metric Dashboard, WordPress, Google Visibility Reporting, Google Analytics, Google Optimizer, OpenX and Email Performance Reporting.

How about you?

How similar or different is this job description for the person who manages your online business unit?

Which of the above objectives, goals or activities is most important? Is there anything missing in the job description?

Join Kim, Amanda and myself at the Mequoda Summit to discuss the strategies, tactics and challenges for growing a successful online business using the Mequoda System: 12 Essential Skills for Making Money Online in a Web 2.0 World.

By Don Nicholas

Founder & Executive Publisher

Don Nicholas serves as Executive Publisher for Food Gardening Network and GreenPrints. He is responsible for all creative, technical, and financial aspects of these multiplatform brands. As senior member of the editorial team, he provides structural guidance, sets standards, and coordinates activities with the technology and business teams. Don is an active gardener whose favorite crops include tomatoes, basil, blueberries, and corn. He and his wife Gail live and work in southern Massachusetts surrounded by forests, family farms, cranberry bogs, and nearby beaches. Don is also the Founder of Mequoda Systems, LLC, which operates and supports numerous online communities including I Like Crochet, I Like Knitting, and We Like Sewing.

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