Audience Development Strategy

Online copywriting secrets for attracting, engaging and monetizing customers

The key to creating successful sales letter landing pages is writing keyword-rich copy that Google ranks highly

Uploading a sales letter landing page to a website without regard to search engine optimization is a sure way to not be found. No matter how great the content, if Internet users can’t find it, it does not exist

The key to creating successful sales letter landing pages is writing keyword-rich copy that Google ranks highly

Uploading a sales letter landing page to a website without regard to search engine optimization is a sure way to not be found. No matter how great the content, if Internet users can’t find it, it does not exist for them.

If you’re willing to do a little more than your competitors when creating content, you’ll soon realize that SEO is a logical extension of the editorial process, which begins with researching keyword phrases. Conversion rates—the number of times someone visits your site and clicks on something—increase when the exact keyword phrase for which a user is searching appears overtly on the page returned by the search engine.

Research the keyword phrases for which you want to optimize the sales letter landing page.

Make certain that the terminology and keywords you employ in the sales letter you write are the same keywords for which users are searching. If you sell “pet supplies” and optimize your site only for that keyword phrase, it doesn’t help if the user is searching for “dog food.” can help you identify keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business and are most likely to be used as queries by search engine users.

Additionally, you should determine how many other sites are competing for customers using these same keyword phrases. With, you can identify rival search marketing strategies and stay on top of the competition with website metrics and audience profiles.

Write effective, search engine optimized headlines, subheads and summaries.

Next, write effective, search engine optimized headlines, subheads and summaries so that they can be easily found by search engine spiders. This means revisiting your first draft, optimizing the keyword phrase, and rewriting the sales letter as needed, without changing the original intent, in order to repeat the keyword phrase as often as possible.

Insert your target keyword phrase wherever it makes editorial “sense” to do so. Often this process is as simple as swapping out pronouns for the full keyword phrase.

It’s important to achieve the ideal balance of keywords to copy, and to avoid over-stuffing your keywords. Practice rewording your copy to achieve a healthy balance of keyword usage and effective writing.


Optimize the meta-title, meta-description, meta-keyword and URL tags.

Next, optimize the meta-title, meta-description, meta-keyword, and URL tags. For instance, if your keyword phrase was “online copywriting secrets,” your meta-title, meta-description, meta-keyword, and URL tags might look like this:

Title: online copywriting secrets | Article reveals online copywriting secrets

Description: online copywriting secrets for attracting, engaging and monetizing customers

URL Tag: online-copywriting-secrets

Note that the phrase “online copywriting secrets” can appear twice in the meta-title, without Google penalty, when separated by the pipe or vertical bar and another word or two.

Note, too, that Google pays close attention to the meta-title tag, especially if the article title does not use any words for which there is fierce competition. The meta-title tag weighs heavily in determining the page ranking.

Next, use the search and replace function of your word processing
software to highlight the keyword phrases, and to count and block off the first 500 words of the sales letter.

Then divide the number of times the keyword phrase (“online copywriting secrets”) appears (6) by 500, and multiply the dividend by the number of words in the keyword phrase (3), to compute the keyword density index (KDI). Example: 6/500 x 3 = 3.6% KDI. Your goal should be a keyword density of 2.7 or more in the first 500 words of the sales letter.

Get more copywriting tips.

For additional Internet copywriting tips, please download a complimentary copy of our SEO Copywriting Secrets white paper.

By Amanda MacArthur

Research Director & Managing Editor

Amanda is responsible for all the articles you read on the Mequoda Daily portal and every email newsletter delivered to your inbox from us. She is also our in-house social media expert and would love to chat with you over on @Mequoda. She has worked with Mequoda for almost a decade, helping to evolve the Mequoda Method through research, testing and developing new best practices in digital publishing, editorial strategy, email marketing and audience development. Amanda is a co-author of our four digital publishing handbooks.

Co-authored handbooks:

Contact Amanda:

Contact Amanda via email at amanda (at) mequoda (dot) com, @amaaanda, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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