Audience Development Strategy

Twitter Makes 3 Big Changes, We Come Up With A Few Big Ideas

More Twitter marketing opportunities arise as Twitter gets a big facelift

Twitter is somewhat quietly rolling out a lot of changes to the site and their platform that directly impacts the businesses who use them for social marketing. Maybe you call Brand Profiles “too little, too late”, but they’re coming.

I could dive into the deep abyss

More Twitter marketing opportunities arise as Twitter gets a big facelift

Twitter is somewhat quietly rolling out a lot of changes to the site and their platform that directly impacts the businesses who use them for social marketing. Maybe you call Brand Profiles “too little, too late”, but they’re coming.

I could dive into the deep abyss of picking out everything new about the upcoming interface (which you can sample via the new Twitter iPhone App), but since we talk about marketing here at Mequoda, let’s discuss how these updates directly impact the way you’ll use Twitter in your business going forward:

1. Advanced Tweet Buttons [see more]:

I know that I’m supposed to be most excited about the new brand pages, but this one gives me so many new marketing ideas that it deserves the number one spot. Twitter now offers two new buttons that happen to be fairly beneficial for publishers like ourselves.

The addition of an official #hashtag button means that you can add it to your event pages and blog posts to encourage people to tweet about your hashtagged event. Or if you have a contest running, you could use it for the same purpose. One click and someone is ready to tweet about you.

Here’s an example where Interweave might include hashtag buttons for their CREATE mixed-media event.


Additionally, they’ve added a reply button which means that you could add it to your customer service pages and even to the bottom of blog posts in order for people to get in contact with you via Twitter directly.

For example, Travel + Leisure could add it to their contact page, and editors could add it to their bio pages:


2. Embedded Tweets [see more]:

If you’re using a popular content management platform like WordPress, you’ll be happy to know that you can now embed tweets into your articles and pages. Like a YouTube embed, Twitter generates the code for you, all you need to do is drop in the embed code.


Even better, the embedded tweet allows people to reply, retweet, favorite, and even follow the person who tweeted. Tweets officially just took on entire personas of their own. To see a working example (sorry we don’t have access to “new Twitter” yet), read Twitter’s blog.

This is a great new feature for publishers that want to quickly quote a tweet or just embed a tweet that praises your publication. Think of it as a new way to create testimonials for your products, and also as a more interactive way to post media. Because yes, a tweet just turned into a piece, or perhaps a particle, of media.

3. Enhanced profile pages [see more]:

While enhanced profile pages are only available to select partners and advertisers at Twitter, it’s still something that you should keep on your radar.

It doesn’t appear that any publishers have access to the platform yet, but super-popular accounts like  @AmericanExpress@BestBuy@Dell@DisneyPixar@JetBlue and 16 others do. The bad news is that right now, you can only see their new brand pages if you have access to the “new” Twitter. Most people don’t.

In the words of Twitter, “An enhanced profile page increases your brand’s Twitter presence by prominently featuring your most important content and visually branding your page. Your enhanced profile page is completely public — users can view it without joining or logging into Twitter.”

Enhanced profile pages let you have a customized header, a featured tweet, mobile compatibility, and deep integration with Twitter’s advertising platform. This is definitely just one of Twitter’s ways of finally monetizing the platform. Analytics for Twitter is only a step behind and are likely to be offered to brand accounts for a premium.

I know there are a lot of changes, most of which we can’t even see yet. But in terms of new marketing, is there something else you’ve thought of that you’d like to add? Let’s discuss in the comments.

By Amanda MacArthur

Research Director & Managing Editor

Amanda is responsible for all the articles you read on the Mequoda Daily portal and every email newsletter delivered to your inbox from us. She is also our in-house social media expert and would love to chat with you over on @Mequoda. She has worked with Mequoda for almost a decade, helping to evolve the Mequoda Method through research, testing and developing new best practices in digital publishing, editorial strategy, email marketing and audience development. Amanda is a co-author of our four digital publishing handbooks.

Co-authored handbooks:

Contact Amanda:

Contact Amanda via email at amanda (at) mequoda (dot) com, @amaaanda, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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