Digital Magazine Publishing

The iPad’s Impact on Ecommerce

How retailers should be taking advantage of the iPad’s capabilities

The iPad, and other tablet devices, offer an experience like no other device.

Since their inception, tablets have been primarily for entertainment purposes. The top three reasons people want an iPad, from a November 2010 survey conducted by Vision Critical, include Internet browsing, engaging with photos, music

How retailers should be taking advantage of the iPad’s capabilities

The iPad, and other tablet devices, offer an experience like no other device.

Since their inception, tablets have been primarily for entertainment purposes. The top three reasons people want an iPad, from a November 2010 survey conducted by Vision Critical, include Internet browsing, engaging with photos, music and/or video, and the access to and use of apps.

As you can tell, all of these uses involve some sort of entertainment. However, according to a recent article from eMarketer, 41% have cited shopping as a reason for owning an iPad.

If the top three desires for having an iPad involving entertainment, yet shopping is still a priority to more than four in 10 people, it’s worth noting that retailers should discover methods for enhancing the online experience of tablet shopping.

Focusing on search engine visibility and the implementation of rich media may excite shoppers even more, as the combination of the most popular components of tablets will be present.


The continued rise of the tablet

By the end of 2011, eMarketer predicts that 24 million tablets will be owned and in-use in the US. By 2012, this number is expected to reach 40.6 million, with 12.8% of the US population actively engaging with tablet devices.

Further research states that the typical buyers of tablets are young, educated and wealthy.

Retailers should strive for creating connections between their products and tablet users. In addition to media inclusion, creating a social environment around their products will help deepen relationships.

Digital video gaining more attention

Perhaps the tablet revolution has had a big effect on video advertising. According to a recent article from Mashable, 86% of media buyers and advertising agency executives are shifting part of their display advertisement budgets towards online video.

Another 65% said they are reallocating money from their TV advertising budgets to online video.

Opportunity is surely here for marketers and publishers alike with tablet devices. Now it’s time to harness the capabilities of these devices to create experiences that will benefit consumers and organizations alike.

For more information on these topics, check out these articles from eMarketer and Mashable.

By Amanda MacArthur

Research Director & Managing Editor

Amanda is responsible for all the articles you read on the Mequoda Daily portal and every email newsletter delivered to your inbox from us. She is also our in-house social media expert and would love to chat with you over on @Mequoda. She has worked with Mequoda for almost a decade, helping to evolve the Mequoda Method through research, testing and developing new best practices in digital publishing, editorial strategy, email marketing and audience development. Amanda is a co-author of our four digital publishing handbooks.

Co-authored handbooks:

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Contact Amanda via email at amanda (at) mequoda (dot) com, @amaaanda, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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