Watch this revealing Mequoda/SIPA Webinar with 41 Sources You Could be Using to Increase Website Traffic & Attract Qualified Email SubscribersDiscover 41 priceless strategies that real-world publishers are using to drive traffic to their websites.Dear publishing colleague, How are you driving traffic to your website? Is that traffic being converted into email subscribers? Have you tried social media? Perhaps you’ve tried link-building by leaving comments on the blogs of your competitors? I’ll go ahead and assume that you’re posting online press releases, but are you including links back to your website, freemiums and landing pages? Some publishers, like Real Simple have discovered that putting their URL on every piece of home improvement products they sell in retail stores. Once someone types in the URL, it’s up to Real Simple to have adequate conversion architecture set up to capture that person’s email address. Others have found that building internal links on their websites (through website navigation, embedded text links and restricted site access) works well for building email circulation. If you’ve already tried a few of these, I hope you’re still looking for as many ways as possible to build your email list. Publishers are getting clever, and the 41 ways to build email circulation that we’ve compiled into this list is proof. Email circulation and revenue per email subscriber should be the two key metrics for every Online Publishing and Marketing System. The first priority for system operators is building email circulation. In this Building Email Circulation webinar, industry analyst and consultant Don Nicholas will take you through all the brilliant strategies online publishers are using to develop their audience. You’ll walk out of this webinar with a checklist that includes dozens of best practice examples that Don has either observed or helped to create. [bttn_webinar] Don’t believe us? Well it just so happens that we presented this session last month at our Mequoda Summit in Napa, California and this is what people had to say:
As you can see, it was a crowd favorite. [bttn_webinar] Go beyond the basics when tackling audience development There are three components to building email circulation once you have your complimentary products. Your complimentary products are special reports, white papers or otherwise, easily-downloaded or viewed products freely given on the web in exchange for an email address. Your rapid conversion landing page (aka: name-squeeze page) is the page that describes your complimentary product. Every rapid conversion landing page deserves a unique campaign around it. Beyond free products, it’s important that every page on your site is optimized to convert visitors into email subscribers. This way, no matter what page a user lands on in your site, they’re enticed to join your list and keep in contact with you going forward. In this webinar we’ll go over all the necessary elements of conversion architecture you can use on your own website in order to collect more email addresses, no matter where a user comes from. Once you have all of these items set up, you can start digging into a giant list of ways to start building your email circulation including:
[bttn_webinar] Audience development coaching from a source you can trust Since 1994, the Mequoda team has helped design, launch and optimize dozens of America’s most successful Internet marketing systems including Beading Daily; Ceramics Arts Daily; Consumer Reports; Corporate Wellness Advisor; Daily Word; Flight Bliss; fuelNet; Golf Vacation Insider; HR Daily Advisor; Johns Hopkins Health Alerts; Knitting Daily; Morningstar; Mother Earth Living; Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School; RCR Wireless; Tech Republic; TSI Network and Vida y Salud. Now you can join the growing list of companies to whom we have taught audience development and provided consultation. Your coach for this webinar is Mequoda’s Executive Director Don Nicholas. Don is a popular media consultant, author, editor, motivational speaker and media entrepreneur. He is a leading expert on Internet media strategy. The Newsletter on Newsletters has dubbed him “a publisher’s publisher” and the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA) calls him one of “America’s leading experts on website publishing strategy.” Nicholas is Executive Director for Mequoda Group and the firm’s head media strategy consultant. Over the past 30 years, he has guided the media strategy for hundreds of companies in the areas of content development, information product design, marketing, economics, mergers, acquisitions and organizational development. He has a talent for identifying new media business opportunities and creating media strategies to pursue them. Nicholas is the creator of many popular Internet marketing strategies, concepts, terms and tools. They include The Mequoda Method (a concise system for building and managing “niche media empires”), the Mequoda Internet Marketing System (an online content-driven direct marketing system) and the Mequoda Internet Marketing Model (a budgeting and forecasting system for Internet marketing professionals). During his 30 years in media, Don has served as editor and/or publisher for American Writers Review, Editorial Strategies, Internet Voyager, MagazineWeek, Writer & Editor and Writing for Money. In 1989, Don created the Editorial Excellence Awards, which became the magazine industry’s largest editorial awards program. He is the principle founder of Lighthouse Software, MagazineWeek, Blue Dolphin Group and Mequoda Group. Don has also held senior management positions with Bayland Media Group and Sacramento Magazine. [bttn_webinar] Don’t miss this opportunity to become an audience development expert. Cordially, Kim Mateus Member Services Director, [bttn_webinar] |
[bttn_webinar] Featured Speaker: Don Nicholas Executive Director Mequoda Group |
Building Email Circulation
This revealing Mequoda/SIPA Webinar Offers 41 Sources You Could be Using to Increase Website Traffic & Attract Qualified Email Subscribers