CDs and Transcripts Webinars

Playing Nice with Google Penguin

In 90-minutes, experience seven ways to avoid getting punished by Google’s recent algorithm changes in this new webinar

Discover updated white hat SEO practices…

Playing Nice with Google Penguin

Experience seven ways to avoid getting punished by Google’s recent algorithm changes

Dear Colleague,

Some websites have seen major penalties after Google’s recent Penguin update. Loss of search ranking, a decrease in website traffic, and in some cases, complete disappearance from the Google search engine has put some website owners in a panic.

Luckily, the Penguin update hasn’t negatively impacted our website or our clients’ websites. In fact, many saw a gain in traffic and visibility after the April 24th rollout.

If you have been punished by this algorithmic change, or you fear future Penguin updates will negatively impact your website, there are steps that you can take to protect yourself. In this webinar, you will discover seven tips for avoiding penalties associated with Penguin. This information may even help you increase your website traffic and search rankings in the process.


Conducting SEO audits to know where your website stands

The intent of Penguin is clear. It’s designed to look for sites with webspam or questionable linking practices, and then decrease the visibility of these sites. Fortunately, after researching the topic, we’ve come upon specific reasons why websites have been penalized. These reasons are the main topic of the Playing Nice With Google Penguin webinar, which focuses on seven ways you can protect yourself from Penguin, now and with future updates.

The first part of this upcoming 90-minute program will walk you through an SEO Audit. Auditing your SEO will help you assess the overall health of your website at any particular moment in time.

Your SEO auditing efforts will focus on three core areas: Indexing, Content Findability, and Authority. We will share key information on these core areas, so you are able to conduct your own SEO audit.

Pertaining to the SEO audit, Indexing will allow you to discover if search engines are able to find all of your content. Content Findability relates to your audience members, and if they are able to find your content while perusing Google. Finally, Authority takes a look at your website’s credibility to rank well in search engines.


Components of avoiding Google Penguin

After the SEO Audit, we will dive into areas of your website that you control and can fix if you are at risk of violating Penguin. Being proactive is immensely important when dealing with Google, as changes arise quickly, and can be detrimental to the health of your site.

During Playing Nice With Google Penguin, you will learn how to proof your website for the following areas, which will help save you from penalties.

Low-Quality Content: Does your content provide value to your audience members? Or does it simple serve as a ploy to drive traffic for advertising purposes? Although Google Panda specifically addressed low-quality content, Penguin is likely taking notice too. It’s almost as if Penguin is a more powerful version of Panda, focusing on additional forms of low-quality content and spam. To avoid Google penalties, you need to provide high-quality content that puts audience satisfaction in the limelight.

Thin Affiliate Content: If you engage in affiliate advertising, and you’re purposely linking to these sites with thin or low content, you will be a prime target for Google’s Penguin. Publishers with their own high-quality content should not be diminishing their reputation as a valid source of information by linking to sites with the opposite type of content.

Linking Practices: There are three link types that have been identified by SEO strategists as having negative impacts. Having only affiliate links, exact match anchor text links, and cross-links from your sites, or having a more significant amount of these than inbound links could cause a penalty from Google.


Keyword Stuffing: Overusing keyword phrases in your content and metadata won’t lead Google into qualifying you as a reputable source of information. You need to understand keyword density, the areas you can optimize, and what should be avoided as “too much”.

Over-Optimization: Google warned of over-optimization in the last couple of months. There are dozens of activities that can be considered over optimization, which we will discuss during Playing Nice With Google Penguin. From the locations you link to, the amount of spam within your site, and your advertising site-wide (among others), over-optimizing appears to be telling Google that your site lacks quality.

Weak Engagement: Social signals and bounce rate have turned into major engagement metrics. If your audience shares and tweets your content, comments on your blog posts, and stays on your website for an extended period of time, you’re likely in good shape. If these aren’t consistencies for your website, and you have weak engagement metrics, Google may look at your website as a weak source of content

A proactive stance on white hat SEO

Google’s algorithmic updates don’t have to be the end of your search traffic. Fixing problematic areas of your website can help you get back on track, even if you have lost significant traffic and visibility already.

If you haven’t been affected yet, that’s great…but only if you are completely compliant with the new concepts of SEO being put forth by Google. Staying ahead of the game will allow you to benefit while others get penalized and lose rankings. It will also keep you in a position where you won’t lose major traffic, fix your site and wait for a recrawl.

In this webinar, you will discover the traits that keep websites on good terms with Google, including strategies that have allowed major brands to stay competitive in their online space. Some brands haven’t lost any ground, and in fact, have gained more visibility and traffic by adhering to the content expectations put forth in Google’s algorithmic changes. Join us for Playing Nice With Google Penguin and learn how to stay as competitive as possible with white hat SEO.


Don’t get bested by Penguin

Due to the massive amount of traffic driven by search engines, no one can afford to gamble with their visibility and rankings. You certainly do not want to end up like the websites who have been penalized by Penguin or Panda – losing 60-70% of traffic overnight. And those are the sites that remain visible; others are completely invisible to the eyes of search engine users.

Don’t waste time wondering how to audit and improve your SEO, watch Playing Nice With Google Penguin instead. During this 90-minute webinar program you will discover the circumstances that have led websites to be penalized by Google, and how to proactively avoid them.


Kim Mateus
Chief Content Officer, and Your Webinar Host
Mequoda Group

P.S. If you are a Mequoda PRO subscriber, you can watch this webinar on-demand right now at no extra charge. If you aren’t a current member, become a Mequoda Pro member now so you can watch this webinar live, and have on-demand access to over 49+ additional webinars.


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Don Nicholas

Chief Executive Officer

Mequoda Group




By Amanda MacArthur

Research Director & Managing Editor

Amanda is responsible for all the articles you read on the Mequoda Daily portal and every email newsletter delivered to your inbox from us. She is also our in-house social media expert and would love to chat with you over on @Mequoda. She has worked with Mequoda for almost a decade, helping to evolve the Mequoda Method through research, testing and developing new best practices in digital publishing, editorial strategy, email marketing and audience development. Amanda is a co-author of our four digital publishing handbooks.

Co-authored handbooks:

Contact Amanda:

Contact Amanda via email at amanda (at) mequoda (dot) com, @amaaanda, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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