Internet Advertising Basics Mequoda Pro Q&A

How do you determine your value for advertisers?


Let say you are a new, strictly online publication, readership is at 5,000 unique per issue and going up with a bullet.

How do you initiate with advertisers, direct contact or through a 3rd party? Also how do you get a pulse on market price?

[/question] (more…) “How do you determine your value for advertisers?”

Internet Advertising Basics Mequoda Pro Q&A

How are website sponsorships funded?


How are website sponsorships funded? Does the sponsor pay on the number of clicks, the number of times a video is viewed, or simply the number of page views?

[/question] (more…) “How are website sponsorships funded?”

Internet Advertising Basics Mequoda Pro Q&A

How do lead sharing websites work?

[question] As part of a sponsorship package, we want to share leads with another company. Each time a user wants to download a white paper, podcast, video podcast, etc., they need to submit their contact information. In your experience, will users do this willingly? How can we maximize downloads of these free products and collect

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