Business Plan Development

A Line-by-Line Look at a Business Plan Template Responsible for Generating Millions of Dollars

Time:84 minutes, 00 seconds

Download: Business Plan Development (.pdf)

What you’ll learn:

Like everything else associated with the digital publishing industry, the process for developing a business plan has changed drastically. It’s also a process in need of constant refinement, as business models and ways to generate traffic are always changing. This is why we all agreed on sharing the secrets to developing a great business plan.

In 90 minutes, we go line-by-line, showing you the format, structure and backup documents of a modern business plan. This is the same plan that Don has used to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for him and his clients.

We use a fictitious case study to teach this concept, allowing us to share with you copies of all documents involved, in case you want to develop your own business plan.