Multiplatform Publishing Strategy

Mequoda Content Marketing System Key Characteristics

Four building blocks that make up our content marketing system

Four building blocks that make up our content marketing system

The Mequoda Internet Marketing System goes way beyond the 38 benchmark systems that we have helped develop in some manner. In fact, the system isn’t even a piece of software per se.

People around the world are using components of our systems, best practices and strategies and have customized aspects of their site to fully reach their needs.

Many of the marketers or publishers using the system have self identified themselves as Mequoda System users by incorporating four key characteristics into their website. These key characteristics include the following:

Content Driven – To fit this characteristic, the website involved cannot just be a store or search engine. The website must be a place for users to come in order to get content, answers to questions, or simply to interact with editors and other like-minded users.

Google Friendly – Mequoda Systems are specifically designed with website taxonomy that allows Google to easily find and access content. When the website is designed correctly, that content will then be indexed so that the website can be found in Google searches. Well optimized websites with a lot of content may likely end up on page one, two or three in Google searches.

Since Google is the biggest and most-used search engine right now, it helps in sending a lot of traffic to websites. Most Mequoda System users experience 40-60% of their traffic because of search engines, with 70-90% of that being from Google and its ability to index the content properly.

Subscriber-Centric – This characteristic separates average publishers from Mequoda System publishers. Our system is specifically designed to create relationships that can be enhanced and nurtured through further correspondence via email, RSS or even social media websites like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Mequoda publishers are constantly looking to build in-depth relationships with their audience. Most do this through email relationships. Typically the email circulation exceeds unique visitor count for their website.

When it comes to the financial side of things, more than half of the revenue generated by Mequoda publishers begins with email relationships. Having the opportunity to send emails to your clientele on a daily basis is a powerful aspect in the customer-publisher relationship. This relationship is enhanced by the fact that all subscribers have to double opt-in to most Mequoda Systems, so that they are acknowledging their willingness to receive the emails.


Multi-Platform Publishing – The pyramid is the true symbol for Mequoda. As technology evolves, Mequoda publishers should be evolving with it.

At the Mequoda Daily we offer content through written word and audio podcasts. We offer video content through our Mequoda Pro memberships. The periodical is the core, or the bottom component of the pyramid, with the email newsletter right above it.

With inventions like the iPad, it’s smart to stay on the cutting edge and allow content through all of the different mediums. Most Mequoda publishers are busy working on Apps for iPad as we speak.

The top of the multi-platform pyramid for Mequoda publishers is the Live Event, which we couldn’t imagine ever becoming digital…

Speaking of live events, if you’d like to learn more about the content marketing strategy, our Content Marketing 2010 Seminars will begin early June. Seats are limited, so sign up today.

By Amanda MacArthur

Research Director & Managing Editor

Amanda is responsible for all the articles you read on the Mequoda Daily portal and every email newsletter delivered to your inbox from us. She is also our in-house social media expert and would love to chat with you over on @Mequoda. She has worked with Mequoda for almost a decade, helping to evolve the Mequoda Method through research, testing and developing new best practices in digital publishing, editorial strategy, email marketing and audience development. Amanda is a co-author of our four digital publishing handbooks.

Co-authored handbooks:

Contact Amanda:

Contact Amanda via email at amanda (at) mequoda (dot) com, @amaaanda, LinkedIn, and Google+.

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