Audience Development Strategy

We’re all Website Copywriters … Aren’t We?

Good website copywriting doesn’t grow on trees*

I spent years perfecting the art of making my words reader-friendly, clear and informative.

Then I had children, who went to high school and college, where they were forbidden to write words that are reader-friendly, clear and informative.

Audience Development Strategy

6 Email Newsletter Layout Elements You Shouldn’t Skimp On

Obvious email newsletter layout elements that publishers often forget to style

The reason you create white papers and special reports is to build a large and thriving email list. Since you’re putting so much effort into creating that list, it only makes sense that your email newsletter looks its best, right?

Audience Development Strategy

Email Subject Lines: Examples Responsible for Higher Open Rates

Five email subject line archetypes that’ll have your audience opening

You have to hire the next copywriter at your organization and don’t know where to begin. Does this sound like a familiar scenario?

In today’s digital world, you must find a person who can write for the web – especially an email copywriter who has the flair

Audience Development Strategy

2012 Rocket Award Winners Announced

Who’s the biggest audience development success of the year in the Mequoda family – and how did they do it?

Of more than 60 Mequoda systems, one publishing website has achieved higher traffic growth than all the others during a 12-month period ending June 2012. For the fourth time, Mequoda has honored that digital publisher with

Audience Development Strategy

A “Perfect” On-Page SEO Template for Blogs

A step-by-step guide to on-page SEO that will boost rankings and site traffic

Publishers are no strangers to search engine optimization, although it’s important to know that there are several dimensions of optimization, and they’re all necessary to get the most residual traffic from your most popular posts. For example, on-page SEO refers to the copy

Audience Development Strategy

SEO Campaigns Made Easy

Proven methods and a new idea for blockbuster SEO campaigns

A lot of people offer advice about the importance of SEO campaigns and SEO copywriting. And a lot of that advice tells you to start by developing a free report, then research your keywords and finally, write a landing page letter that’s been optimized for

Audience Development Strategy

Last Chance to Register for Audience Development Summit

Reserve your place at the Audience Development Summit now or miss out on two days of best practices, case studies and successful strategies for online publishing and audience development

As some watch digital strategies emerge and print publishers continue to struggle, we’ve designed a strategy for a new outcome.

The Audience Development Summit addresses the new publishing

Audience Development Strategy

Only 5 Seats Remain for the Audience Development Summit

Register now to join an elite group of publishers, CEOs, content marketers and editors as we teach how to build online audiences

If you don’t take your organization to the next digital level right now, it may be too late.

With new media options developing almost daily, and consumers demanding change, you must reach these consumers, develop

Audience Development Strategy

How to Quickly Determine Keyword Competition

So there’s an article you want to write, and you’re diving into your Keyword Universe, a giant spreadsheet that’s filled with columns of keywords ready for the taking and for optimization. Unfortunately on this day, there are keywords you want to use, but you have no idea how much competition is out there.

The quick

Audience Development Strategy

An Internet Marketing Winner: ONLY at the Audience Development Summit 2012

Who’s the biggest audience development success of the year in the Mequoda family – and how did they do it?

Of more than 60 Mequoda systems, one publishing website has achieved higher traffic growth than all the others in the past 12 months. For the fourth time, Mequoda will honor that digital publisher with its Rocket

Audience Development Strategy

5 Tips for Better Mobile Email Marketing

Take advantage of the mobile market by offering great mobile email marketing pieces

Is mobile email marketing your best chance at generating revenue on mobile devices? There’s a good chance it might be because your email subscribers are a special group of people. They are interested in your content enough that they’re happy to hear from

Audience Development Strategy

5 Tips for Social Email Marketing Campaigns

It’s been stated before that adding social components to email marketing campaigns have led to higher engagement levels. Many publishers are now wondering what exactly constitutes as social email marketing campaigns.

For those wondering, combining social networking with email marketing is about more than including social icons in emails (although that is a good starting point).

Audience Development Strategy

Audience Development Summit 2012 just keeps getting better

Updated speakers, topics and roundtables for the Audience Development Summit 2012 – come on down!

No event is ever perfect, but we’re trying our best to achieve that for the upcoming Audience Development Summit 2012, Oct. 23-25 in New York City! We’ve added some amazing new speakers and uncovered great new information to share with our

Audience Development Strategy

7 Steps to Assure Legal Email Marketing Techniques

A look at the CAN-SPAM Act helps publishers stay safe

Have you ever looked at the requirements for businesses sending commercial email? The CAN-SPAM Act was designed to protect consumers from spam overload by focusing on “any electronic mail message the primary focus of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or

Audience Development Strategy

Publishers Talk About Tapping into Social Media Narcissism

There are social networks that share everything from your minute-to-minute activities, to your credit card spending, to your photos, to your travel information. It’s no wonder that, like a reality show, feeding into people’s egos can be a brilliant way to get attention.

Audience Development Strategy

Show Me your Blockbuster Posts!

A blockbuster post drives traffic to your website over an extended period of time

Chris and I are working on a webinar about creating blockbuster posts. As I’ve mentioned before, a single blockbuster post can drive as much as one or even two percent of the website’s traffic. Unlike traditional periodicals, website content is forever. The

Audience Development Strategy

6 Insightful SEO Characteristics

The Mequoda Summit West 2012 highlights some advanced SEO strategies

By now, digital publishers who receive a lot of traffic through search engines have the basics of SEO covered.

It’s the advanced strategies however that can lead to even more visibility.

Audience Development Strategy

Using Blockbuster SEO Posts to Quickly Increase Website Traffic

Do not forget the power of blockbuster SEO posts in 2012

We’ve discussed blockbuster posts before.

In fact, Don Nicholas, CEO of Mequoda Group, wrote a great article on the process of writing blockbuster SEO posts in 2011.

Audience Development Strategy

What Consumers are Saying about Email Marketing

Statistics dictate the need for certain changes to email marketing strategies

Email marketing is getting more important to consumer marketers. More users and looking at email content on their mobile devices and expect proper interaction within their devices.

The benefit of designing for mobile optimization is that a percentage of users are already making purchases through their

Audience Development Strategy

Internet marketing genius now available — Mequoda Summit only!

Mequoda’s Audience Development Summit 2012 is more than just talking heads. Not only do you learn the secrets and strategies of the leaders in Internet marketing in six eye-opening sessions, you get to pick their brains, too!

Take home proven strategies for successful digital publishing, niche marketing, content strategy, marketing digital subscriptions and more. Then ask

Audience Development Strategy

5 Metrics for Email Marketing

Understanding the importance of email marketing in-person

You need to look at email metrics to develop the most beneficial email marketing strategy. Only your specific metrics will tell the story of your audience’s interaction with email content.

Along with the most popular content, you should pay close attention to click-throughs per campaign, revenue per subscriber, revenue

Audience Development Strategy

5 Email Marketing Tips for Post-Purchase Messaging

Are you properly communicating with your brand’s most important allies?

Connecting with buyers needs to be your priority.

Sure, building email marketing lists is important too, but for a different reason. List building improves your chances of selling products to more people.

Audience Development Strategy

Why News Headlines Get more Re-Tweets

Last week I dug into some research around a tweet’s ability to drive clicks and traffic. The results showed that a more personal feed with quirky statements, re-written headlines and engagement resulted in more followers and clicks.

However, it was the straight-up news headline that got all the re-tweets

Audience Development Strategy

Twitter Tips to Keep Your Audience Engaged

7 ways to reach your Twitter potential

What does your Twitter strategy consist of?

I’d imagine you are at least tweeting the title of each article you publish and adding a link to the content. Doing so is a great way to build your audience based on the topics you cover. However, our research has shown that

Audience Development Strategy

Who Runs Audience Development for your Organization?

Three critical questions every website publisher must answer.

Who runs audience development for your organization? When a website publisher asks me to help them increase website traffic and build a loyal online audience, the first question I ask is, “Who runs audience development for your organization?” I get a wide variety of answers. At smaller independent

Audience Development Strategy

3 Components to Building an Online Community

Having an active community is the first step in developing an audience.

The larger the community you have, the quicker your audience will grow.

The community consists of contributors who associate with your content. They will be active with your brand, from spreading your content to creating content for you.

Audience Development Strategy

5 Helpful Plugins for an Audience Development Blog

Audience development is a constant process that requires thorough research, and hard work.

Besides providing content that your audience is searching for, you need to have a website that is user-friendly, while being able to track the actions of users at your site.

Audience Development Strategy

The Top 9 Reasons to Register now for the Audience Development Summit 2012

Join the dozens of attendees who have already registered for the Mequoda Audience Development Summit 2012

The Audience Development Summit 2012 will be a unique experience shared by dozens of knowledgeable professionals.

There has never been a better lineup, as CEOs, publishers, and marketers prepare to give presentations on how they’ve managed their digital success.

Audience Development Strategy

3 Email List Building Tips You’re Probably Not Using

Point of purchase, social media, and physical products can help you build your email marketing list

With your brand and products listed throughout the Internet, audience members may not be introduced to you through your website. Even if they are, they may avoid signing up for your email newsletter from the start, opting to close

Audience Development Strategy

Does Email Personalization Impress your Subscribers?

How to send personalized email marketing messages that interest your audience

Email personalization has been stressed by many email marketing companies and consultants throughout the years. The thought was that email subscribers would feel better about email messages if they were specifically addressed to them. However, this may not be the case.

Audience Development Strategy

Email Marketers Becoming more Sophisticated

Can you relate to data from earlier this year that shows more sophistication among email marketers? We certainly hope so, especially since it’s likely that your competitors are getting more sophisticated with their email marketing activities. If you cannot compete, how will you be able to keep your audience intact?

How have your email marketing efforts

Audience Development Strategy

How to Make Tweets Look More Human and Get More Clicks

As marketing tactics evolve, so does the savvy of our readers. Brilliant new ideas only work for as long as people aren’t bored by them. So in a world full of jargon and social media automation, it’s easy to begin looking like a robot.

Audience Development Strategy

Find Visual Content For Image-Centric Online Publishing

Three websites that help audience development efforts with the aid of images

Digital publishers want to provide a valuable source of content for their audience without breaking the bank on resources. As many digital publishers and Internet marketers have realizes, visual imagery helps audience development efforts. People like to connect with the images they see on

Audience Development Strategy

Ed Coburn to Lead Mequoda Advisory Board

It’s with great excitement that I announce that my friend and colleague, Ed Coburn, will be joining Mequoda Group as Executive Director of our reconstituted Mequoda Advisory Board. As many of you know, Ed is publishing director for Harvard Medical School, past president of the Specialized Information Publishers Association, and an active director of numerous

Audience Development Strategy

3 Digital Marketing Trends

Additions for your digital marketing strategy that you can implement and test quickly

Digital marketing trends can be quite broad. Digital marketers and digital publishers are looking at a digital marketing strategy in a more complex and comprehensive manner. The goal is to create a digital experience that is connected with the rest of your marketing

Audience Development Strategy

Email Marketing Success: How Companies Increase Click-Through Rates

New methods for increasing click-through and open rates that you may not be trying

We’ve discussed the effectiveness of email marketing numerous times throughout our blog and during live events. There is clear opportunity for email marketing success in many industries, although some industries fare better than others.

For instance, the travel industry, consumer products and services

Audience Development Strategy

Why Email Click-Through Rates Matter

A look at top articles on email marketing from this summer

How much time do you spend on your email marketing strategy? Do you ever wish to spend less time with email and more time with social media or search engine optimization?

These thoughts have probably developed within your organization before. Social media is extremely popular and

Audience Development Strategy

Increasing Email Newsletter Click–Through Rate

5 Tips for Writing & Formatting Email Newsletter Teasers

Which email newsletters do you read on a regular basis?

Like many of you, I subscribe to multiple email newsletters; some for business reasons and others due to personal interests.

However, over time, I find myself focusing the majority of attention on newsletter that have a lot of content

Audience Development Strategy

11 Tips for Cleaning Up Dusty Social Media Profiles

The words “spring cleaning” draw up images of folded laundry, clean windows and dust-free shelves. But what about “profile cleaning?” Think about all the social networks you’re on, but aren’t your everyday tools (it’s OK, we all have favorites). Since social networks change their structure every couple of months, it’s easy for your business profile

Audience Development Strategy

5 Key Features for Social Media Software Functionality

What active social media professionals look for in the tools they use

How many stories have you heard about the major impacts of social media? The interesting aspect is that major impacts can be for better or worse.

For instance, consider all the pieces of content that go viral and propel individuals into a stage of

Audience Development Strategy

Last Chance to Save on Audience Development Summit 2012

Can you afford to miss priceless insight from successful publishing professionals?

If you want to attend the Audience Development Summit 2012 at the lowest possible price, you must reserve your seat by Friday, Aug. 31.

Hundreds of dollars of savings is on the line…and that number increases if you sign up multiple employees.

Audience Development Strategy

New Data on Mobile Email Marketing

Could you be building your email list easier?

It’s exciting to get new data on email marketing, specifically when it relates to mobile devices. The world of mobile has emerged so quickly that many digital marketers haven’t quite figured out how to strategically approach it.

Earlier this month I cited a few statistics on consumer email trends.

Audience Development Strategy

3 Tips for Keeping Mobile Email Subscribers on Your List

If email marketers didn’t already have enough to worry about, they now have to shift focus to mobile email.

Since checking email is a habitual action, and mobile devices are available to users constantly, the use of mobile devices for email consumption has grown. So how exactly are mobile devices using interacting with email on the

Audience Development Strategy

How Does Your Content Look on Mobile Devices?

It’s a valid question to ask: how does my content look on mobile devices? Your website and email promotions need to be mobile-friendly, or you might lose a lot of audience members.

With smartphone users accounting for nearly half of all cellular phone owners, the user base is staggering. Different age groups interact with their smartphones

Audience Development Strategy

Guides, Blogging & Social Media – the Three Top SEO Strategies

The recent SEOMoz 2012 SEO Industry Survey showed that most SEO professionals spend most of their time creating articles/guides, posting blogs and maximizing social media efforts. White papers were pretty low on the totem pole, but Mequoda publishers are usually a step ahead anyway—we live and breathe the numbers behind every successful white paper SEO

Audience Development Strategy

Refreshing SEO Strategies after Panda Update

Review your audience development strategies after this recent Google change

Google unleashed another round of Panda updates last Monday. Google confirmed the update and announced that less than one percent of search queries were affected. This update has had less impact than past algorithm changes, particularly the Penguin update.

This update marks Google Panda version 3.9.1. The

Audience Development Strategy

Using Custom OFIEs to Increase Website Conversion Rates

Discover how Golf Vacation Insider uses customization on its article landing pages to dramatically increase their website visitor to email conversion rates from search

Audience Development Strategy

Simple Tools for Social Success

Five social media tools to increase interactivity to receive more links

More social engagement has reportedly led to more links. This makes sense because when social interaction takes place through sharing or liking content, that content is propelled in front of other people. And if the people sharing the content with their friends have common traits,

Audience Development Strategy

7 Tips for Link Building

Strategies for increasing website traffic

Inbound links are credibility builders. The more you’re able to get from credible sources, the better your chance of getting higher rankings in search engines.

There are many ways online publishers can obtain inbound links. Below I’ve listed seven proven strategies for building more inbound links.

Audience Development Strategy

Call Email Subscribers to Action with Video Content

Video content may become a major component in future email marketing campaigns

I recently read an article about video’s place in present and future marketing campaigns. There is no doubt that video has a bright future.

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