Tools for Effective Website Design

Effective website design is based on efficiency, clarity, and user-friendly elements.

Website design that does not utilize these components will have a hard time generating a robust audience of devote fans.

There are a variety of tools online to help develop effective websites. Four of these tools are listed below.

Templatr: If you are creating a robust website with many types of pages, you will likely want to create templates. This will allow for consistency, and will make the process more efficient. Templatr is one tool that can help in this process.


CSS Type Set: This helpful tool also you to paste copy into the text box, select the font, size, color, and special formatting options. Then you can view the CSS version of it immediately to the right.

CSS Compressor: This tool compresses your CSS so it will load quicker and save on bandwidth.

WordPress Theme Generator: Since many digital publishers utilize the open source community behind WordPress, this tool will help you create a custom theme. This is especially helpful for those launching new websites.

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