Will Tweet for Cash – #WillTweetForCash

Some niche media publishers are charging up to $150 per M for Tweets

While I know many writers, editors and publishers who use their Tweets to promote their own blogs, books, magazines, events and other information products, I was surprised to hear that some publishers are now selling them like banner ads and email blasts.

The going rate for a niche media Tweet seems to be $99 to $150 per M followers.

Here at Mequoda Daily, we have almost 9K Twitter followers, which means we could be charging sponsors (if we had them) $1,350 per Tweet to tell our followers about their products and services.

It occurs to me that someone with a lot of Twitter followers could make some serious change for including a couple of sponsor Tweets in their daily stream.

Ashton Kutcher comes to mind. Now, I don’t hang out with Ashton, but I think he is funny, handsome and currently married to one of the hottest women on the planet. If I did know Ashton, I would tell him to get his agent on this ASAP… time’s a wasting and there is money to be made by adding a little product placement to his Tweets.


I don’t know what Ashton gets paid for starring in each episode of Two and a Half Men, but if calculated as an hourly wage, I am willing to bet that Tweeting could be more lucrative.

Let’s do the math. Ashton has 8.1 million followers on Twitter. Let’s say he can’t get the niche media rate of $100 per M, but can command a paltry $1 consumer mass market CPM for each of his Tweets. That calculates out at about $8,100 per Ashton Kutcher Tweet (Charlie Sheen, eat your heart out). Assuming 2 sponsor Tweets per day (to maintain exclusivity), Ashton’s Tweets could be generating around $6 million per year. I know a lot of copywriters that would happily Tweet for him for a small percentage of the gross.

If you are Tweeting for cash, tell me about it.

If you see a flaw in my Twitter logic, tell me about it.

And Ashton, if you read this, let me know what you think.

All the best,


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