Why Google is Still Important

A main reason why you should focus on getting your content ranked in Google searches

The fact that Google is the most popular website and search engine on the Internet is old news.

However, with all of the competition on the Internet, it’s surely possible another search engine could take the throne as the most popular, right?

When Yahoo! became powered by Bing in August, I began to wonder if there was going to be a battle for search engine supremacy.

For the time though, it appears Google is going to remain at the top of popularity ranks, as it now represents an average of 6.4% of all Internet traffic.


This information is provided by Arbor Networks, an online security company, and reported in a recent article from Mashable.

Since Internet traffic is growing at a rate of 40% – 45% each year, it’s amazing that Google is still able to grab the market share as it is.

According to the Mashable article, Google’s share may be larger than reported, potentially reaching up to 8% to 12%.

This is proof of Google’s value, which is why we focus organic Internet marketing efforts on Google’s algorithm. Optimizing for Google is a way to gain traffic and build your audience, and according to these stats, it’s a smart method to be using.



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