Content Marketing for Small Businesses

A free eBook from a content marketing professional

I recently came across an interesting eBook called Tiny Business, Mighty Profits by Russ Henneberry.

The eBook describes Russ’ content marketing strategy, designed specifically for small business owners or solopreneurs,

As supporters of content marketing, I wanted to pass along the link to this free eBook.

Tiny Business, Mighty Profits is a quick read that can generate long periods of thought on the topic of content marketing. In the eBook Russ outlines a marketing plan for small businesses, and in the true model of content marketing, incorporates video as well, which can be viewed directly from the eBook and his website.

The contents of the marketing plan include the following:
1. How to find your niche market
2. How to identify your core benefit
3. How to find your niche market on and off-line.  [Video]
4. How to listen to your niche market [Video]
5. How Google works
6. How to use Content Marketing to drive sales
7. The Hub and Spokes Model
8. How To Set Up Your Own Business Blog [Video]


You have heard a lot about our strategy for content marketing, and may have even attended one of our Content Marketing 2010 Seminars. If you’d like to read an Ebook discussing another professional’s content marketing strategy, which includes some similarities to our own methods, visit Russ Henneberry’s website and download his free eBook Tiny Business, Mighty Profits, located in the right nav.


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