A Tool to Help You ‘Remember Everything’

Compiling a snippet-based email newsletter means you need to create a lot more content than you may be doing currently. If your articles come from online news sources, than it’s likely you run into the need to save and categorize the information so you can adequately create articles.

One tool that helps editors and journalists stay organized is Evernote.

For starters, this app allows you to “save your ideas, things you like, things you hear, and things you see,” according to the Evernote website. So for instance, if you were browsing the web and came across some new market data that you wanted to report to your audience, you can save clippings from the website, make notes and save any related PDFs or images with Evernote.

As a digital personal assistant, Evernote allows you to store and access your content through your mobile phone app, on the Internet, or directly on your computer.


Saving content to Evernote is quite simple as well. When you find website information you want to save, all you have to do is copy and click on the Evernote image in the in menu bar. From there you can easily save the content.

A built in search function allows you to quickly find info you’ve saved in your Evernote app.

For online editors and journalists who want to give Evernote a try, there is a free version you can use. There is also a premium edition, which allows you to save more types of documents.

If you are using Evernote currently, or decide to give it a try, please add your review of the product in the comments below.


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