Matching Sponsors to Topics for Revenue Generation

Does your online business utilize sponsor-driven revenue? Are these relationships presented in your email campaigns?

If you aren’t currently generating revenue from sponsors, consider the possibilities.

The above image depicts how Flora Daily has matched sponsors to the publication’s topics. The sponsors are closely related and are included on the website and within email campaigns.

Creating this type of sponsorship provides the advertiser with enough desirable coverage that they are willing to pay a premium price for the marketing assistance.

Do you need help determining potential sponsors for your niche publication? Do you require assistance developing the sponsorship packages to offer them? Remember, a variety of marketing options that reach your audience through different platforms are among the best ways to appease your potential sponsors while being able to generate a more significant source of revenue.

If you need help with the ins and outs of sponsorship creation, including potential sponsors and packages to offer, contact Kim Mateus via email or by phone at 401-293-0401 to discuss options.



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