Setting up Your Twitter Program

Twitter has become a micropublishing site of great value to niche publishers. It’s best used for building relationships, facilitating conversations and finding people interested in your topics.

Many online business professionals were skeptical of Twitter’s actual value due to perceived ROI issues. However, people are generating revenue as tweeting on the behalf of sponsors is becoming more popular. As mentioned in Will Tweet for Cash, sponsored niche media tweets are selling for $99-$150 per M each. If a publisher builds an audience of devout Twitter followers, sponsored tweets can be an easy way to generate revenue as it would only require some copywriting attention.


How is your Twitter program performing? Has your activity on this social network helped create more subscribers to your content? Are you promoting products or sponsors’ products through tweets?

If you need help setting up your Twitter program or optimizing it for the best practices, join us for the Mequoda Bootcamp in New York City, where you will learn the process of setting up an online business.


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