Why You Should Test the Graphics on Your Landing Pages

Landing Page Design: Always Test Graphics

The Taguchi method of landing page testing identifies the following factors or variables that are worth testing on any given landing page:

  1. Headline
  2. Image or Graphic
  3. Logo Configuration
  4. Form Position
  5. Greeting
  6. Body Copy
  7. Scarcity Element

David Bullock of Results-Squared shared a landing page test his company conducted recently at Mequoda’s Landing Page Driven Internet Marketing pre-conference SIPA workshop. The landing page test was for a company that sells bookkeeping training and home business opportunity products.

The images he tested were:

  1. Image of DVD
  2. Image of Smart, Successful Woman
  3. Image of Happy Couple

The image of the smart, successful woman crushed the other two images, which is a typical result, but should always be tested.


A successful copywriter will always suggest a landing page graphic test when he hands you his copy. Bob Bly, in a recent landing page review for the Mequoda Daily, noted how he’d test the graphic on RocketFrench.com, which promises prospects mastery of the French language.

Currently, the page displays a cartoon image of a woman, which Bob dislikes. If he were the copywriter on the job, he’d have split tested three different images: a) a photo of the program’s creator, b) a photo of the product and c) a photo of a young, attractive couple sitting in a café in Paris, speaking French to the waitress.

The point of the story? Never guess, always test.


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