Optimize Your Email Campaigns for Better Leads

Earlier this year eMarketer reported on the online marketing tactics being used for lead generation. For B2B marketers and agencies in the US, email was the main source for driving qualified leads. Paid search, social media, and display advertising are also being used, but not to the same extent as email.

It’s clear the goal of building email marketing lists is still important for email marketers. A bigger list means a potentially bigger customer base, and more opportunities to generate revenue.


So what online real estate have you optimized to include email subscription forms? We recommend using inline text ads and order forms in editorial (OFIEs) in each article. Order forms in navigation (OFIN) can be used throughout category pages, and a floater can be used on all other pages that don’t have an alignment between the content and the freemium you’re offering with email subscription.

Beyond those options, Derek Edmond has some more suggestions in a recent article on Search Engine Watch. His suggestions include: through social media, traditional marketing collateral, and mobile apps. The article also offers tips on email subscription conversion benchmarking, which can be very useful in your optimization process.

    Mohammad A.

    thanks for pointing us in the right direction…

    however, i have a question…acknowledging the importance of the email lists will be like denying there is a moon, but i believe social media has over taken it…especially right now where people can be found spending more time on websites like linkedin facebook and twitter…would u be kind enough to point some stats…if there are…


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