20 Powerful Words To Immediately Boost Your Email Copywriting Results

Power words proven to get more emails opened – the rest is up to you!

Wouldn’t it be great if every article you wrote got read by every single person who subscribes to your email newsletter? What if every subject line you wrote was so powerful and gut-wrenching that every person who saw it couldn’t help but read it?

Unfortunately, even the best, most profound subject lines will still get passed by because of spam filters and people’s overcrowded inboxes. However, there are still things you can do with your subject lines that will increase open rates, and one of the most important things is learning how to write better ones. In fact, mastering this craft will give you more success in getting web traffic from your Twitter and Facebook headlines too.

Bob Kaslik, Senior Vice President of Consumer Marketing at Interweave recommends keeping your best power words right in front of you. “Everybody at Interweave who works on email or circulation has the power words posted on their wall” as a reminder, he said. “They’re active words that are benefit-oriented.”

The list he recommends was compiled by Curtis Circulation Company, a leading national newsstand distributor of magazines, and Linda Ruth of Publishers Single Copy Sales Services, by studying best-selling magazine covers. Interweave uses them interchangeably for newsstand magazine cover lines, promotional copy, and email subject lines.

  1. Improve
  2. Trust
  3. Immediately
  4. Discover
  5. Profit
  6. Learn
  7. Know
  8. Understand
  9. Powerful
  10. Best
  11. Win
  12. More
  13. Bonus
  14. Exclusive
  15. Extra
  16. You
  17. Free
  18. Health
  19. How to
  20. Proven
  21. See more in our Email Copywriting Basics white paper

In addition to these power words, Kaslik also recommends using this Email Subject Line Tester to help develop effective, compelling subject lines that withstand sophisticated SPAM filters. We also recommend SpamCheck.

Additionally, Bob says the Google Keyword Tool is a favorite among Interweave’s copywriters and editors (and among Mequoda’s staff too!). “It’s just an amazing tool,” he says. “We use it to expand our perceptions.”


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