Mequoda System: Repeat the Continuous Improvement Cycle

The seven organizational habits of the Mequoda System, institutionalized as a media management system, give you the power to succeed and, perhaps, to dominate any special-interest audience segment you choose to target.

You must, however, continually evaluate user needs in the context of your competitive marketplace and, of course, validate and fine-tune your media and marketing mix, your organizational structure and your business processes.

You must continue to look for new ways to leverage your content and diversify your sources of targeted website traffic. Explore new media products that can extend your brand, measure your progress… and begin the cycle again.

One thing to keep in mind is that the Mequoda System is, and always will be, a work in progress. The Internet is the biggest, fastest, beefiest, most extraordinary communications and marketing tool we have ever known—and it is relatively young. As the Internet matures—and these new media empires along with it—the seven organizational habits that we have determined will be reviewed, fine-tuned, tweaked, overhauled and/or extended, as required.

Just as you need to constantly review and revaluate your media empire’s business model, we plan to continually revisit the Mequoda System media management system, and add new case studies to our collection.

This article was written by Don Nicholas with the help of Jane E. Zarem. It is just one part in a series on the Mequoda System. See below for the rest of this series:

1. An Introduction to the Mequoda System
2. Mequoda System Habit #1: Implement a Strategic Management System
3. Mequoda System Habit #2: Build a Mequoda Media Pyramid
4. Mequoda System Habit #3: Build a Mequoda Website Network
5. Mequoda System Habit #4: Organize Content Around the Customer
6. Mequoda System Habit #5: Create User-Centric Websites
7. Mequoda System Habit #6: Implement a Mequoda Marketing System
8. Mequoda System Habit #7: Make Metric-Driven Decisions
9. Repeat the Continuous Improvement Cycle

To see our latest revitalization of the Mequoda System, download our most recent FREE Online Publishing Secrets white paper.


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