Trading Newspapers for Tablets: 3 Numbers to Watch

As US tablet sales are projected to hit 70 million in 2011 and 2012, online publishers are paying closer attention to tablet revolution

The launch of the iPad in 2010 was the beginning of the revolution.

Now, in 2011, as tablet competition and pricing models become clearer, the revolution is starting to gain speed.

What will the key numbers to watch be for online publishers? Ken Doctor, the author of Newsonomics, cites subscription and “single-copy” pricing, advertising pricing and cost as three important elements for online publishers in the tablet revolution.

Additionally, it’s necessary for online publishers to focus on the content they provide.

Tablets are revolutionary because they can provide media-rich content on the go, anywhere. Online publishers striving to add the digital component to their arsenal of content cannot forget this.

The Newsonomics article on tablets replacing newspapers contains a lot of thoughts on the subject. It’s a good read for online publishers and anyone interested in the tablet revolution.



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