Tips on How to Optimize Online Press Releases

This free report from Mequoda Group discusses how online PR is a way of gaining visibility from online communities

(Nationwide)—Online PR can help reach a big, direct audience online that is interested in the topics covered. Successful online PR has to be very focused. It needs to be designed specifically for the news being promoted and it should contain specific keywords that people are searching for. If it does not involve these two important components, chances are that the press release will not be picked up by search engines or seen by a large audience.

To begin engaging in online PR campaigns, start by creating a press release. Make the release between 250 and 400 words and newsworthy.

After the release is created, add keyword phrases that are targeted in the content of the release. If specific keyword phrases aren’t already researched, they can be by utilizing the free Google Keyword Tool. Incorporate the specific keyword phrases as naturally as possible.

The first place to start is the title. Make sure the primary keyword phrase is used in the title. In addition, attempt to fit one or two other secondary phrases and always be sure to include the company’s name in the title as well. It helps in branding purposes.

After the press release is written, optimized with keywords and edited, it can be submitted to online press release distribution websites. Many of these websites offer free distribution, which is worth trying before putting money towards paid services.

To learn how to create a Google-friendly press release, start with Mequoda Group’s free SEO Press Release Guidelines report.

Receive a free digital copy of SEO Press Release Guidelines now.

Mequoda Group constantly strives to help publishers succeed online by providing them with an array of services, including free daily tips, free reports, webinars, live events, consulting services and software services.


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