Would You Be Interested in Saving Online Advertisements?

Scott Kurnit, founder of About.com, hopes so

Do you remember the first advertisement you saw on the Internet? I surely don’t.

Scott Kurnit, the founder of About.com, wants that change. Moreover, he wants Internet users to save online ads as content pieces.

Kurnit will be rolling out web ads for Best Buy, McDonald’s, Sears, Showtime and others on February 14th. Each of these ads will have an AdKeeper button that will allow viewers of the ad to keep it if desired.

Many people in the advertising business are already skeptical of this business model. Why would anyone want to keep an advertisement?


According to research done by Kurnit with Nielsen, 56% of consumers would save an ad for later viewing if they had the option to do so. If his research is correct, AdKeeper will be “twice as big as Twitter” as 16% of people online would interact with it. Twitter currently experiences engagement from 8% of Internet users.

Kurnit thinks people will want to save online ads because of coupons or offers, entertainment value or product research that is incorporated into the ad.

It seems to me that these online ads must be media-rich and incredibly interesting if people are expected to save them for later viewing. What do you think about saving ads? Would you do it?

For more on this topic, check out the original article from Mashable.


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